Boeing, on the other hand, argues that the future of aviation lies more with mid-sized aircraft, flying directly rather than transferring passengers through major hubs.
另一方面,波音公司则认为,航空业的未来更多是在中型飞机领域,它们将直接把乘客送往目的地,而不是通过主要航空枢纽转运。 |
Boerrna EJ . Research into the results of resection of hilar hile ductcancer[J ] . Surgery ,1990 ,108∶572.
周宁新,黄志强.肝门部胆管癌的治疗选择[J].中国实用外科杂志,1994,04(3)∶133. |
Bogeys appear to be heading directly at us.
我们现在左转,面向150,偏离敌机30度。 |
Bogie-Scoring one over par on one hole.
补给:某洞的成绩高于标准杆一杆。 |
Bogus clicks are thought to account for around 10% of all click traffic, though nobody knows for sure.
虽然有人认为虚假点击大概占全部点击量的10%,但这一数字并不确切。 |
Bogus drugs approved by Zheng included an antibiotic blamed in the deaths of at least 10 people.
在郑筱萸批准的假药中,有一种抗生素造成至少10人死亡。 |
Boh! Madam Mope!' cried the voice of John Reed; then he paused: he found the room apparently empty.
“嘘!苦恼小姐!”约翰.里德叫唤着,随后又打住了,显然发觉房间里空无一人。 |
Bohemia: The groom gives the bride a rosary, a prayer book, a girdle with three keys (to guard her virtue), a fur cap, and a silver wedding ring.
波黑人:新郎向新娘赠送一串念珠,一本祈祷文,一根上面串着三把钥匙的腰带(用以保护她的贞洁),一顶毛皮帽,一个银的结婚戒指。 |
Bohemian dress may be anachronistic, distressed, frayed, fringed, ethnic or folksy, but it is and will always be stylish and cool.
波希米亚服饰可以是不合时令的、刻意仿古的、有破损处的、有流苏的、有民族色彩的,或者是有民间风情的,但无论现在还是将来它都永远是时髦入时的。 |
Bohr Before we can lay our hands on anything, our life's over.
波尔我们尚在寻觅之中,我们的生命便结束了。 |
Bohr I remember Frau Schumacher.
波尔舒马赫太太我记得。 |