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During the 12th century Saint Nicholas Day became a day of gift giving and charity.

During the 10th five-year-planeperiod, uranium resourse had attracted high attention and concentration from related organazation of the CCPC and the central government because of the state's manifestation on the development goal for nuclear power, efforts 摘要“十五”期间,随着国家核电发展目标的明确,铀资源不断得到中央和国家有关部门的高度关注和重视,铀矿地质勘查工作得到进一步加强。
During the Lucky Beijingseries comprehensivetestcompetition,Beijing government's restriction on car driving mainly targets on testing the influence of exhaust emission in the air and the entire traffic situations under special restriction. 在“好运北京”综合测试赛期间,北京政府对汽车的管制重点是测试机动车尾气排放对空气质量的影响以及特殊管制下的整体交通状况。
During the Ninth Five-year Programperiod, Shanghai Light Industry adheres to its principle of Adaptation and Developmentand has achieved its goal of steady economic growth through its efforts to keep the balance among reform. development and stabilityin s “九五”期间,上海轻工坚持“调整与发展”并举的工作思路,认真处理“改革、发展、稳定”的关系,克服了种种困难,实现了经济稳步增长的目标。
During the (economic) recession, many business people lost their shirts. (经济衰退期间,许多商人亏了许多钱。)
During the 100th anniversary of Red Cross founded in Shanghai,Sahnghai Red Cross Association set 2004 as the year of humanityto not only care about the orphans,sick children as well as the old in great need, but also accelerate the steps of database for b 为纪念中国红十字会在上海诞生百年,上海市红十字会把2004年定为“博爱年”,以“庆百年博爱行”为主题,开展关爱孤儿、病孩救助因病致贫的特困老人活动,对特困家庭进行人道救助,还将加快中国(上海)造血干细胞资料库建设,救助更多的血液病人,调整办好中小学婴幼儿少儿住院基金,为保护青少年幼儿健康服务,通过贯彻全年的“博爱行”把红十字关爱送进千家万户。
During the 12th century Saint Nicholas Day became a day of gift giving and charity. 十二世纪时,圣尼可拉斯日变成和送礼物及慈善捐助的节日。
During the 13 years of Indian wars after the War of Independence,the Americans forced England to give up the Old Northwest and they forced Spain to open the Mississippi river.Their crossing of the Mississippi helped persuade Napoleon to sell the Louisiana 在独战后十三的印第安战争中,美国人适使英国放弃了旧西北地区,使西班牙开放密西西比河,促使拿破伦把路易斯字那志给美国,在1853年的加兹登购买中,另外的3万平方米的墨西哥土地也为美国领土。
During the 14th century, with the disintegration of the Mongol Empire, the isolationist policies of the Ming Dynasty, and the development of the silk route by sea, the Silk Road was forced into decline. 14世纪时,蒙古帝国瓦解、明朝实行闭关政策,加上“海上丝路”的发展,丝绸之路被迫走向没落。
During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called Mothering Sunday? celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent . Mothering Sunday?honored the mothers of England. 大约在17世纪的时候,英国把四旬斋的第四个星期天叫做“拜望双亲日”。这一天用来向英国的母亲们表示尊重。
During the 1600s, at least two scholars apparently tried to decipher the manuscript, and then it disappeared for nearly 250 years until Voynich unearthed it. 1600年代,至少有两位学者曾试图解读这份手稿,后来它消失了将近250年,直到伏尼契发现才重见天日。
During the 1700s, pople who attended the races wore a wide, loosely tied scarf, which started a new fashion trend known as the ascot. 18世纪,参赛者都系着一条宽松的领巾,这开创了一种新的流行趋势,即广为人知的领巾式领带。

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