Still, one thing is clear: speaking a language well needs both fluency and accuracy.
然而,有一点是明确的,即说好一门语言既要流利又要准确。 |
Still, only 2% of Londoners cycle to work, compared with 20% in Copenhagen and 28% in Amsterdam. London Mayor Ken Livingstone, a bicycle enthusiast, wants to increase cycling 80% by 2010.
但是,仍然只有2%的伦敦人每天骑车上下班,这个数字在哥本哈根是20%,在阿姆斯特丹是28%。伦敦市长肯·里温斯通也是一名自行车运动的爱好者,他希望到2010年骑自行车的比率可以增加80%。 |
Still, only a tiny fraction of households in the United States own a high-definition TV set.
目前,仅有小部分美国家庭有高清晰度电视机。 |
Still, our plan was not complete.
尽管如此,我们的设计还不完整。 |
Still, political and financial difficulties could obstruct many Chinese companies' overseas plans.
然而,政治和金融方面的问题将会阻碍中国许多公司进行海外扩张的计划。 |
Still, repressive regimes elsewhere are increasingly looking to Beijing.
但是,(许多国家)越来越转向北京。 |
Still, says Mr Tamura, the government is looking at ways for customers more easily to gain access across different parts of a financial group.
尽管如此,田村说,内阁府仍着眼于探求能使广大消费者得以更为便捷地接近融资团不同组成部分的方法。 |
Still, says Yaron Erez, a security expert with Manhattan-based Vertex Security, the danger presented by key bumping may be overblown.
然而,曼哈顿顶点安全公司的一名安全专家爱尔兹说,撞锁引发的危险可能被夸大了。 |
Still, she was caught off guard last year when a visitor to the Museum of the Earth where she volunteers angrily confronted her, denouncing evolution and insisting the museum teach creationism instead.
尽管如此,去年她在担任志工的地球博物馆遇上1位访客火冒三丈的对她贬损进化论,并坚持要馆方宣导创造论时,她一时无所适从。 |
Still, she worries that she might be overwhelmed with the work and sometimes struggles with mixed emotions about the future.
尽管如此,玛格达勒诺还是担心自己的工作可能会很忙,而且有时会对未来感到茫然,有一种复杂的心情。 |
Still, some have undeniable charm, like the 2 gram (0.07 ounce) bumblebee bat or hairy-eared dwarf lemur, the world's smallest primate.
仍有一些物种拥有不可否认的魅力,比如2克(0.07盎司)重的大黄蜂蝙蝠或者世界上最少的灵长类,毛耳朵的侏儒狐猴. |