NASDAQ will partner with Colgate-Palmolive to provide exposure and support or its ecumenical efforts, including the Colgate Women's Games.
纳斯达克会宣传和支持高露洁公司所作出的努力,并将其展现在世人面前。 |
NASDAQ will work with Colgate-Palmolive to identify appropriate exposure and messaging for each initiative.
总之,纳斯达克一定会和高露洁公司通力合作为每一次原创活动做好到位的宣传工作。 |
那斯达克保证条款/保证免责条款。 |
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — An American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger lit a match to disguise the scent of flatulence, authorities said.
据美联社12月6日报道,12月4日清晨,美国航空公司一架民航班机在飞行途中被迫进行紧急降落,起因竟是由于机上一名乘客为掩盖自己打屁时发出的臭味而点燃了一根火柴。 |
NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and International Atomic Energy Agency director Mohamed ElBaradei are expected to attend.
NATO秘书长和国际原子能机构领导人穆罕默德.安尔布兰迪也将参加此次会议。 |
NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said the dispute over whether to give Turkey equipment to defend itself against Iraq showed alliance disarray but was not a mortal blow.
北约秘书长乔治·罗伯逊说,有关是否为土耳其提供防御伊拉克打击的武器装备的争论显示了盟国内部的混乱,但并不构成致命的打击。 |
NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is also concerned about the generally poor response to a September call for more troops in Afghanistan, but he says the alliance will ultimately prevail against Taleban militia and is confident that NATO will b
北约成员对于九月申请的增加驻阿富汗部队的广泛冷淡反映也让北约秘书长J很担心.但是他也说联盟最终会击败塔利班武装并对北约将在2008年向阿富汗部队移交更多的权利很有信心. |
NATO condemned the voting, saying it serves no purpose other than to increase te io in the South Caucasus region.
北约遣责这次投票,称这次投票除了增加南高加索地区的紧张以外没有任何作用。 |
NATO condemned the voting, saying it serves no purpose other than to increase tensions in the South Caucasus region.
北约遣责这次投票,称这次投票除了增加南高加索地区的紧张以外没有任何作用。 |
NATO invites the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland to join the alliance in 1999.
1997年的今天,北约邀请捷克斯洛伐克共和国、匈牙利和波兰在1999年加入联盟。 |
NATO is considering a plan to send one thousand troops, several helicopters and hundreds of military engineers to earthquake-hit Pakistan, as well as medical units to set up a field hospital.
北约组织正在考虑一项方案,向巴基斯坦地震灾区派遣1千名军人的部队、几架直升机、几百名工程兵以及建立野战医院的医疗队。 |