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Headlight dangling due to plastic snapping. Because part was not replaced properly.

Heading for your skinny frappuccinoMAKING good coffee is not a simple business. 生产优质咖啡并不是一件简单的事情。
Heading south, it took 15 minutes to get beyond the town's grimy ring of light industry. 向南开15分钟的车程,我们离开了这个灰暗小城的工业区。
Heading to the sea in full sail, braving the wind and the waves. 乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海!
Heading to work on Monday morning can seem awful but starting off in the right way can make the mornings a little more rosy.Before leaving for the office,get some fresh air,have a bath ,but it will be worth it.You'll be in a good mood by the time you star 每周一的清晨不得不去工作实在让人头疼,但拥有一个好的开始可以让这样一个早晨充满美丽色彩.在去办公室之前,呼吸一下新鲜的空气,洗个沐浴,吃顿喜欢的早餐.没错,为了这么做你可能得早期一会,但这句队是值得的.这会让你在绝佳的状态中开始一天的工作.还有,调整一下你工作的空间,比如,一束话,一张贴画,一些照片,都会使你的工作时间变得更令人享受.
Headings actually have an order within the code, so ensure that this rule is used. 通常标题在代码中是按一定顺序排列的,要注意这一点。
Headlight dangling due to plastic snapping. Because part was not replaced properly. 由于更换部件时搞坏了塑料卡头,大灯有点摇晃。
Headlines are written in large print. 标题是用大号字体印刷的。
Headlining beside one of the world's largest squares, Esfahan's Emam Mosque is a tiled wonder. 在伊斯法罕世界上最大的广场之一的旁边,巍然耸立着伊玛目清真寺。这是一处磁砖搭建的胜景。
Headmaster Dumbledore reminded staff that Hogwarts' owls are to be used for official purposes only. Staff were reminded to use their own owls for all personal correspondence. 邓布利多校长提醒所有教职员工,霍格沃茨的猫头鹰只能为官方所用。员工们被告知,处理私人信件要使用他们自己的猫头鹰。
Headmaster Liao Wensheng visited Korea for research. 廖文胜校长赴韩国访问考察。
Headmistress Jane Obinchu told the DailyNation the school first thought Kimani Murage's interest was a joke. So we told him to come this year in first term; then we could see about it①. 该校的女校长简·奥宾楚对《全国日报》的记者说,学校一开始以为穆拉盖想上学是开玩笑,于是我们就对他说今年的第一学期来吧;之后我们想看情况再说了。

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