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He was carrying a pitchfork. But he used it only to pitch manure out of that doorway while the cows weredriven in at the other.

He was captured trying to escape from the country. 他在企图逃离这个国家时被捕获。
He was careful enough to check up every detail. 他非常仔细, 把每一个细节都核对过了。
He was careful enough to check up every detail. 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。
He was carried off but initial fears he had ruptured an anterior [/size][size=3]cruciate ligament were allayed when scans instead indicated a much more [/size][size=3]minor injury to a posterior cruciate. 他被迫离开赛场,他的十字韧带破裂使得他感到恐惧,还好扫描结果显示十字韧带破裂的伤势要比之前估计的要轻得多.
He was carry a box on his shoulder. 他肩上扛着个箱子。
He was carrying a pitchfork. But he used it only to pitch manure out of that doorway while the cows weredriven in at the other. 他手里拿着干草叉,正铲着门口的粪便,母牛们却在互相攻击着。
He was cast as Othello/cast in the role of Othello. 选派他扮演奥赛罗的角色.
He was cast aside by his parents when he was a baby. 还在襁褓中, 他就被他父母遗弃了。
He was caught breaking the law. 他违法被抓了。
He was caught by the police because of the graft and corruption. 他因贿赂贪污被警察抓了起来。
He was caught by the policeman. 他被警察捉住了。

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