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Instead of stirring, you can shake the drink.

Instead of something jarring , try subtle or soft movements similar to fade in and fade out in a slide show. 你应当使用一些类似于放映幻灯片时淡入淡出之类微妙的或温和的运动,而不是那些嘈杂的东西。
Instead of specific gravity other results such as API gravity, °Brix, % H2SO4 can be programmed upon request. 除了比重其他值如API比重,柏利糖度、硫酸浓度都可根据要求编程。
Instead of spending a day in the copy room, professors can upload class syllabi, track student progress, update homework assignments, post academic papers and dissertations, and track the achievements of the department's alumni, all online. 与其在影印室中耗费终日将所有文件印出,系所网站要能让教授上传课程概要、追踪学生进程;让学生上传作业报告、会议论文;并让校友能在其上不停加注其逐渐增加的成就。
Instead of spending your time, composing energies, and paper on descriptions of the film or portions of the film, you will clipportions of the video into your paper text, using specific hardware and software for this purpose. 与其花费时间、精力和纸张来描述整部或部分电影,不如「剪辑」部分影像到你的论文档中,可利用特别的硬体和软体。
Instead of starting and getting lots of touches, Mike Miller and Michael Redd need to come in and be ready to shoot after sitting on the bench. 米勒和里德没有先发,上场时间不多,经常在板凳上准备上场投篮。
Instead of stirring, you can shake the drink. 除了搅拌,你还可以摇匀酒品。
Instead of struggling, your bag goes in easily. 箱子轻而易举地滑入了箱内,毫不费力。
Instead of studying the whole night through, last night I had a slumber party with my friends, Ramona, Priscilla and Phyllis. 我不是整夜念书,而是和朋友们,雷蒙娜,普丽西拉和菲莉斯聚了一晚上。
Instead of stuffing themselves with turkey and all the fixins‘, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spent Thanksgiving cruising around Ho Chi Minh City on a motorbike. 布拉德·皮特和安吉利娜·茱丽感恩节并没有坐在餐桌前享用美味火鸡,而是骑着摩托车“环游”越南首都胡志明市。
Instead of taking a seat after his 6 1/3 innings, Mussina stuttered for a moment at the top step of the dugout, lifting his right hand and waving to the 53,508 in attendance. 在他投了六又三分之一局后并没有坐下来,老穆在休息区台阶最高的地方结巴了一会,举著他的右手对著到场的五万多名观众挥舞著。
Instead of taking games off personal computers and sending round beastly memos, it seems companies should allow everyone to play these games, and watch morale climb. 因此,企业似乎不应该拿掉个人电脑中的游戏,也不需要发送让人不快的备忘录,而是放手让大家去玩,然后等着士气的高涨。

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