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With no clocks and no daylight it was hard to gauge the time.

With nine consecutive American League East titles in their back pocket, another division crown is the expectation when the Yankees gather in Tampa in mid-February. 在连续九年夺得美联东区分区冠军之后,继续蝉联另一座分区冠军将是二月中大家一起集合在坦帕春训的目标。
With nine other employees, Swartz agreed to help clean up Odyssey House, a residence for troubled teens. There he met a young man who asked, What do you really do? 史瓦兹与其他九位员工同意帮忙清理「奥迪赛之家」,那是一间问题青少年收容所。在哪里有个年轻人问他:「你真正的工作是什么?」
With no Doha deal to impose discipline, the volume of trade-distorting subsidies could surge. 没有多哈交易达成的原则,其贸易扭曲性补贴额会大幅提升的。
With no attempt at justification, then, in the present chapter I shall simply enumerate the divisions and explain the meaning of the parts. 这里只是简单列举一下划分的类别并解释一下各类别的意义,并不试图证明。
With no attractive ideas or values to appeal to neighbours, it falls back on a resurgent nationalism that scares them instead: we were a great power, should always be a great power, and by golly look at us now, so get out of the way! 它的观念和价值观对邻邦毫无吸引力,相反它又重新回归到令邻国恐惧的民族主义:我们曾经是大国,应当永远都是大国,不要惊讶的看着我,走开!
With no clocks and no daylight it was hard to gauge the time. 没有时钟和日光,揣测时间真是实在很难。
With no corporate or personal income tax and a [color=Red][b]bucolic [/b][/color]environment virtually free of crime, pollution, and gridlocked traffic, South Dakota continued to attract financial industries, high-tech manufacturing. 没有公司和个人收入税,几乎没有犯罪和污染的乡村环境以及四通八达的交通,南达科他州持续吸引金融业和高科技制造业。
With no corporate or personal income tax and a bucolic environment virtually free of crime, pollution, and gridlocked traffic, South Dakota continued to attract financial industries, high-tech manufacturing. 没有公司和个人收入税,几乎没有犯罪和污染的乡村环境以及四通八达的交通,南达科他州持续吸引金融业和高科技制造业。
With no cure for Alzheimer's disease in sight, researchers have concentrated on trying to slow the rate at which it corrodes the brain and to postpone its onset. 由于目前在治疗早老性痴呆病上还没有什么好办法,因此,研究人员的注意力集中于试图使这种病侵蚀大脑的速度放慢,推迟其开始发作的时间。
With no doubt, the advanced lab equipment can fully simulate production and capture product features. 先进的试验设备,为您充分模拟生产,准确把握产品特性,解决后顾之忧。
With no formal education, “Pussy” Jones spent her childhood reading and “making up” (compulsively walking up and down very fast with a book in her hand, while improvising an imaginary story out loud). 琼斯“小姑娘”并未受过任何正式教育,童年时喜欢阅读和“编故事”(即手中携一本书不受自主地疾步来回走着,同时大声念出自己即时编构的故事)。

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