Language: Estonian is the official language, but Latvian and Russian are also spoken. Estonian replaced Russian as the official language in 1989.
语言:爱沙尼亚语为官方语言。拉脱维亚语和俄语也通用。爱沙尼亚语属芬兰-乌果尔语系。 |
Language: Finnish and Swedish are the official languages.
语言:芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言。 |
Language: French and Arabic are the official languages, although Afar and Somali are widely spoken.
语言:法语、阿拉伯语为官方语言。伊萨族讲索马里语,阿法尔族讲阿法尔语。 |
Language: French and Dutch are official languages.
语言:官方语言为荷兰语和法语。 |
Language: French and Malagasyare official languages, with Hova and other dialects also widelyspoken.
语言:法语和马达加斯加语为官方语言,霍瓦语及其他方言也普遍使用。 |
Language: French is the official language, Mossi and Dioula are widely spoken among many native dialects.
语言:法语为官方语言,有很多民族语言,主要是莫西语和迪乌拉语。 |
Language: French is the official language.
语言:官方语言为法语。 |
Language: French is the official language. Kabiye Ewe and Hausa are the national languages.
语言:法语为官方语言,卡布列语、埃维语、豪萨语也为通用语言。 |
Language: French is the official language. Many indigenous languages, mainly Lingala and Kongo, are spoken.
语言:法语为官方语言,有许多民族语言,南方主要用刚果语,北方用林加拉语。 |
Language: French is the official language. The majority of the population speaks Bantu languages, including Swashili, Lingala, Tshiluba and Kikongao.
语言:法语为官方语言,大多数人讲属于班图语系的斯瓦希里语、林加拉语、契卢巴语和基刚果语。 |
Language: Frenchis the official language, Arabic dialects predominate among the northernMuslims. The animist groups in the south speak a variety of languages, the mostcommon of which isSara.
语言:法语为官方语言,北方居民通用乍得化的阿拉伯语,南方居民通用苏丹语系的萨拉语等语言。 |