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But one day,terrible things happened one after another.

But one day when we find we are able to work. 但是有一天,我们会发现自己干不动了。
But one day, a child saw the coin and was curious. He took it out of the box and looked at it, with a puzzled look on his face. 但是有一天,有一个小孩看到这枚铜币,他很好奇的将它从盒子中取出来看,脸上出现困惑的神情。
But one day, it decided to change mind, it trod on the trash and found leftovers from the trash to keep itself, but not be swallowed up by the trash. 可是有一天,它决定改变自己的心态,它每天都把垃圾踩在自己的脚下,从垃圾中找到残羹来维持自己的生命,而不是被垃圾所淹没。
But one day, she bumps into a strange boy, Gyung-min, and realizes that he's a musical genius with an absolute pitch. 有一天,她在无意中发现了孤儿庆民的钢琴天分,并决心抚养并培养他成为她梦想中的钢琴家。
But one day, there was an awful battle, and the ring was cut off the hand of the wicked lord! 但是有一天,一场可怕的战争爆发了,小戒指被从坏国王的手中砍了下来!
But one day,terrible things happened one after another. 但是,有一天,厄运接踵而至.
But one element of China\'s ship-killing strategy stands out as a remarkable application of technology, and an unprecedented threat. 而中国在其反舰战略中所运用的一项技术也卓而不凡,而这,也是一项前所未有的威胁。
But one fiendish spirit rides among them with a brutal plan to cull the passengers, one life at a time. 现在布满黄沙的旅游车正在太阳烤得厉害的沙漠公路上行走着,但是乘客中有一个残忍的恶魔,打算把其他人逐一杀害。
But one grounder was a fielder's choice on a grounder by Carl Crawford; it might have been a double play had it been fielded cleanly by second baseman Robinson Canó. 其中卡尔击出的滚地球是靠野手选择上垒;当时要是二垒手卡诺能漂亮拦截下来,说不定就能造成双杀。
But one has only to be aware of the fact to find oneself outside it. There is no friendship there, in that space that supports this unconscious. 但是一个人仅仅知道在其外找到自己的事实。在那里没有友谊,在那个支撑这一无意识的空间中。
But one has solemnly testified somewhere, saying, What is man, that You bring him to mind? Or the son of man, that You care for him? 6但有人在经上某处郑重见证说,“人算什么,你竟顾念他?世人算什么,你竟眷顾他?

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