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Every day without you is like a book without pages.To the worldyou may be just one person.To theperson you may be the world.

Every day we hear about people making radical career changes. 每天我们都听说有人跳槽了。
Every day we play basketball, football, do rope skipping and so on. 每天我们打篮球、踢足球、跳绳等等。
Every day when the sun went down, the little snail seemed to be able to imagine that he could also jumped high and fly over the canyon with a strong arc in the sky. 每当夕阳将落时,小蜗牛仿佛能想像自己也高高腾空而起,在空中划过一道有力的弧线,飞过那峡谷。
Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. 2我要天天称颂你,也要永永远远赞美你的名。
Every day without you is like a book without pages. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。
Every day without you is like a book without pages.To the worldyou may be just one person.To theperson you may be the world. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书:索然无味。对整个世界,你也许无足轻重,但对我你却是整个世界。
Every day you are getting better and better. 你一天天好起来了。
Every day you bring food from a mysterious place in the house and you put it in front of the dog. 每天,你从房子的一个神秘的地方带来食物而将其放在狗的面前。
Every day you spend all day together and you really get to know people. 每天都在一起,你可以真实的去了解每个人。”
Every day, Mr. Brooke wrote to the girls about their father. 每天鲁先生都来信告诉姊妹们父亲的情况。
Every day, Victory Rapid Door has been put into places with extreme environmental conditions, this is attributed to the strict Quality Control system and many other patent technology used by Victory Company. 胜利快速门每天在全国最恶劣的环境中出色的发挥着作用,主要归功于胜利严格的品质控制和多项专利技术的应用。

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