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Have a joyful stay here . good night !

Have a happy Christmas that's as nice as you! 愿你有一个和你一样欢乐可爱的圣诞佳节!
Have a happy Teachers' Day. 祝节日快乐!
Have a happy and profitable year. 愿您新年快乐,大发利市。
Have a healthy and happy New Year. 身体健康!新年愉快!
Have a high responsiblity, and a good occupational moral. 有高度的责任感,良好的职业道德。
Have a joyful stay here . good night ! 祝您住得愉快!晚安!
Have a little confidence and you will go a long way when it comes to finding an appropriate partner. 金牛座:金牛要保持信心,才能支持你走完全程并最终找到合适的人选。
Have a little sense of humor, that it is a role you are playing on the stage of life; but it is not something that belongs to existence or has any reality -- it is a fiction. 你可以保持一点幽默感,这就是你在你生命中所扮演的角色;但是,这些都是不存在的,不真实的,只是人们想象出来的。
Have a little undershirt of the craft feel of folk custom very much, with the willful and graceful sentiment of tutti of seven-inch trousers. 极具民俗手工质感的小背心,与七分裤合奏随性的优雅情调。
Have a look at their match schedules this season up to the next round of internationals. 看看他们直到下次国际赛事为止参加的今季比赛日程吧。
Have a look at these contact sheets. 看一下这些缩图清单。

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