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HC Lam. Drug therapy for diabetes mellitus. J Kaohsiung Med Assoc (Taiwan) 2000;30:21-7.

HBV does not cross the skin or the mucous membrane barrier. HBV不会穿过皮肤或粘膜进行传播。
HBV has 7 genotypes A to G and it has been postulated that some may have a higher incidence of cirrhosis or and Liver cancer. 乙肝病毒基因型和其变异型是不同的.变异型是在某一个核苷酸的新变故,而基因型则是一组不同的核苷酸.
HBeAg seroconversion at the end of 1 year was 29% for combination, 18% for lamivudine, 19% for interferon and 4% in placebo. 治疗一年后,HBEAG血清转换情况为:联合治疗为29%,拉米夫啶为18%,干扰素为19%,安慰组为4%。
HBsAg has been found in all body secretions and excretions. However, only blood, vaginal and menstrual fluids, and semen have been shown to be infectious. 乙肝表面抗原在所有体液中都能检出,但只有血、阴道分泌物、经血、精液显出有传染性。
HC Lam. Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) and adrenal medulla. Magazine of Endocrine Society and Diabetes Association of R.O.C. (Taiwan) 1989;2:7. 林兴中。CRF与肾上腺髓质。中华民国内分泌暨糖尿病学会会讯1989;2:7.
HC Lam. Drug therapy for diabetes mellitus. J Kaohsiung Med Assoc (Taiwan) 2000;30:21-7. 林兴中。糖尿病之药物治疗。高雄医师会志杂志2000;30:21-7。
HC Lam. Metabolic syndrome. Triple Trust Healthy World Magazine 2003;106:6. 林兴中。认识代谢性症候群。三本健康世界2003;第106期:第6页。
HC Lam. New diagnostic criteria and classification of diabetes mellitus. KS-VGH Med News 1999;2:1. 林兴中。糖尿病的最新诊断与分类。高雄荣总医讯1999年;第二卷第三期:第1页。
HC Lam. Report on the attendence of the 9th International Conference of Endocrinology. Taiwan Med J 1993;36:64-5. 林兴中。出席第九届国际内分泌会议。台湾医界1993;36:64-5.
HC expert is the horrible thing !! 花痴专家是最令人毛骨悚然的东西!!
HC360.COM: As people's life quality is improving and more colorful, more and more bronze powders will be on strong demand. 慧聪网:随著人们生活质量的提高和生活的多姿多彩,铜金粉的需求量必然越来越大。

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