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In the experiment, crude magnesium hydroxide from salt lake industry was used as the raw material, magnesium hydroxide dissolved and formed crystals again by hydrothermal treatment.

In the existing organization of the society, irrespective of whether the position is high or low, myriad of employees wish to be concerned and respected, enterprise's management should analyze why they lose working interest, do they lose working enthusias 在社会存在的组织中,不管职位高低,大多数人都是希望被关注、被尊重的,企业管理者应该分析员工失去工作兴趣的原因,是因为无能力而丢失工作热情,还是因为被忽略而低绩效。
In the existing organization of the society, irrespective of whether the position is high or low, myriads of employees wish to be concerned and respected, enterprise's managers should analyze why they lose working interest, do they lose working enthusiasm 在社会存在的组织中,不管职位高低,大多数人都是希望被关注、被尊重的,企业管理者应该分析员工失去工作兴趣的原因,是因为无能力而丢失工作热情,还是因为被忽略而低绩效。
In the experience economic time, the traditional travel agency's products must be innovated in the new circumstances. 在体验经济时代,传统的旅行社产品在新的环境下必须实行创新。
In the experiment of temperature adjustment, the process control by changing power is adopted which makes the speed of regulating increased greatly, and the influence of time for power changing on the speediness and stability of temperature adjustment is 在温差调节实验中采用变换供电功率的过程控制方式使得调节速度得到较大提高,并分析了在这种过程控制方式下功率变换的时间对温差调节快速性及稳定性的影响。
In the experiment of varistor bleeder circuit, the successful Load of equal voltage requires that the relation between load and varistor be correctly defined, so as to choose appropriafe experimental instrument. 摘要在变阻器分压电路实验中,要求负载得到均匀变化的电压时,怎样确定负载与变阻器之间的关系,以便在实验中正确选择实验仪器。
In the experiment, crude magnesium hydroxide from salt lake industry was used as the raw material, magnesium hydroxide dissolved and formed crystals again by hydrothermal treatment. 摘要以盐湖工业副产物氮氧化铁作为原料,在水热条件下,对氢氧化镁进行溶解―重结晶除杂。
In the experimentation stage, leaders need to listen and observe. 在实验的阶段,领导者必须倾听及观察。
In the experiments, soil drainage method was used at Shaoxing and deep water method at Fuyang for early rice, and soil drainage method was adopted at both sites for late rice. 早稻试验在绍兴采用土壤排水,而在富阳采用深厚水层方法,晚稻试验两地都用土壤排水方法。
In the experiments, the optical output power of the master laser is injected into the slave laser via a circulator. 实验中通过一个环形器,将主激光器的输出光注入到从激光器。
In the experiments, the primary shape is successfully optimized so as to make the hydraulic parameters better, the problems of lateral short inlet/outlet of pumped-storage plant in which water flow is asymmetric and head loss is too great are all resolved 对原设计体型成功进行了优化,使各项水力参数达到比较理想的效果,解决了抽水蓄能电站侧式短进出水口在出流时流态分布不均匀与水头损失系数偏大的难题。
In the expression of energies, there is an alternating current between assertiveness and apathy. 在表达情绪时,可能会有着坚定自信及无动于衷之间的不稳定情绪流动。

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