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The masseur kneaded my back.

The massage speed and the width may freely adjust. 按摩速度和宽度可自由调节。
The massage work supports continued ascension whereas the electrical engineering career did not. 按摩工作支持继续提升,而电气工程生涯却不支持。
The masses are the real heroes, while ourselves are often childish and ignorant. 群众是真正的英雄,而我们自己则往往是幼稚无知的。
The masses arise from the terms in the Lagrangian that have the particles interacting with the Higgs field. 这些质量来自于拉格朗日函数中,一般粒子与希格斯场的交互作用项。
The masses have boundless creative power. 人民群众有无限的创造力。
The masseur kneaded my back. 按摩师揉捏我的背。
The massive 1998 El Ni?o produced huge floods off the coast of Ecuador, which destroyed a considerable amount of export crops and aquaculture. 1998年严重的圣婴现象,为厄瓜多的沿岸地区带来了猛烈的洪水,毁坏了大量出口农作与水产。
The massive Chinese television audiences are not often served up such South American-style passion and Huang's paean to Italy at the dramatic climax of Australia's 1-0 loss has provoked a storm of controversy in the media. 对于大多数中国电视观众来说很少听到这种南美激情解说风格的电视解说,而黄健翔对于意大利的赞歌使得澳大利亚0:1的失利戏剧性的达到高潮,这在媒体上引发了一场激烈的辩论。
The massive animal has been spotted in the Hudson River at least three times in the last week — first off the Chelsea and Harlem sections of Manhattan, then to the north in Sleepy Hollow in Westchester County. 在上周,人们至少3次在哈德逊河里看到这个庞然大物,前两次见它在曼哈顿地区的切尔西和哈莱姆两个地区,之后见它又跑到了位置更靠北的威斯切斯特县的斯利皮洼地内。
The massive economical fast development, has held the present county territory economy development key, will certainly to speed up the county territory economical industry leadership pattern the formation, thus unceasingly advances our country the industr 块状经济快速发展,抓住了目前县域经济发展的关键,必将加快县域经济工业主导型格局的形成,从而不断推进我国的工业化、城市化和农业现代化步伐。
The massive magnetic field of a powerful MRI machine aligns the nuclei of the atoms in the same direction, much as a magnet pulls a compass needle. 一台效能强大磁振造影仪的强大磁场能使原子核往同一方向排列成行,就好像磁铁吸引罗盘的指针一样。

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