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There are 32 million smokers in America .

There are 3 colors on the national flag of France. 法国国旗有三种颜色,即红,白,蓝。
There are 3 travel agencies in TEDA. 天津开发区现有旅行社3家。
There are 30 employees in his firm. 他的公司有30名雇员。
There are 30 pupils in the class. 这个班有30名学生.
There are 300 students or so in this middle school. 这所中学大约有300个学生。
There are 32 million smokers in America . 现在美国有三千二百万人抽烟。
There are 32 teams that compete in a four month long season every year which culminates with the Super Bowl, a game played between the two best teams each year. 联盟的32支球队征战四个月,最终只有两支最优秀的球队进入总决赛争夺最高荣誉——“超级碗”。
There are 34 species of seahorses found around the world. Malaysia exists 7 species but The Spotted seahorses, Hippocampus kuda can only be found in Johor. 全世界被发现的海马种类共有34种,马来西亚暂时发现其中的7种,而黄金海马只在柔佛出现。
There are 365 days per year available for work. 一年里有365天你可以工作。
There are 38 pieces of outdoor notice board exhibited, they are correspondent with the natural site atmosphere, as well as the formation of creative arts expression, hence providing a special visual path to the passing audients, in order to stimulate thos 三十八件展出的户外布告栏形式,对应著周遭的自然场域气质,以极具创意的艺术表现形式与观念手法,提供过往的观众一条特别的视觉路径,藉此启发群众自身的内在反思状态,及一种对自然的另类观看处境。
There are 39,232 employees working for EPH, among them 13,878 employees have college education. 公司员工人数39232人,其中大专及以上文化程度员工13878人。

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