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I also couried the CD to you today.

I also can speak Korean, but i can not understand your writing. If u need help, i will help you to writ again the job advertasing. 我也可以说韩文,但是看不懂你写的韩文意思。如果你需要帮忙的话,我乐意帮你从新写这个求职广告的。
I also cannot forget the occasion when one of my nieces was at our place and she put her doll on my bed beside me, asking me to take care of it . 我同样忘不了有一次当我的一个侄女在我家玩时,她把她的洋娃娃放在我身旁的床上,叫我照顾它。
I also come to take your life. 我也到达带你的生活。
I also could speak like you, if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you and shake my head at you. 4我也能说你们那样的话.你们若处在我的境遇、我也会联络言语攻击你们、又能向你们摇头。
I also couldn't come up with something for Javan to wear. 我也想不出来让他穿什麽衣服。
I also couried the CD to you today. 今天我还把CD拷给你了.
I also declare that I do not have any criminal record against me. 本人已知自《失业证》送达后,公司方能为本人办理招工及投保手续。
I also discovered the “powder room,” which became my softly lit, reliable retreat. 我还发现了“化妆室”,一个可以信赖的灯光柔和的隐退之所。
I also do this because it saves me time finding the file if the client is a corporation or there are multiple clients. 如果这样做,当客户是一个公司或是一个集团时,我就能很快地找到想要的文件。
I also emphasise to them that not only must they master the language, they must speak it well,' he tells The Straits Times. 「我在家对我的孩子都说英文,我也对他们强调,他们不只要精通这项语言,还要说的好。」
I also encourage clubs to participate in a concept I call the Family of Rotary, in which Rotarians Lend a Hand to each other and to those touched by Rotary's many programs and activities through club development and fellowship activities. 我也要鼓励各扶轮社响应我所谓「扶轮家庭」的观念,也就是扶轮社员们要对彼此,对那些被扶轮许多计划和活动所感动的人,透过扶轮社的发展及联谊活动,来伸出援手。

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