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The captain fleeted aft the crew.

The captain decided to play Tom at fullback. 队长决定派汤姆上场为后卫。
The captain decided to take Jeff off and try a slower bowler. 队长决定把杰夫换下来,换上一个慢一点的投球手。
The captain described the accident in the ship's log. 船长在航海日志中描述了这次事故。
The captain described the wreck accident in details in the ship's log. 船长在航行日志里详细地描述了这次沉船事故。
The captain determines the latitude and longitude of his ship's position. 船长会判定船位置的经纬度。
The captain fleeted aft the crew. 船长把船员调到船尾。
The captain had an artificial leg, made of wood. 上尉有条假腿,是木头做的。
The captain had to hold the wheel firmly to prevent the ship from broaching to. 船长牢牢掌住航轮,以防船的侧面迎着风浪。
The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck. 那位船长被免除了因船只失事而遭致的非难和罪责。
The captain knew that another attempt would be made later, for the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion. 船长知道日后还会再作尝试,因为他试图寻找的沉船上载有一批珍贵的金条。
The captain led our team to victory. 队长带领我们队取得了胜利。

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