Many rural educators, however, pushed for a longer school year.
然而许多农村地区学校却希望有一个长的学年。 |
Many said they had felt inspired to do something after finishing a book - travel, change jobs, go back to college, leave their partners or try to write themselves.
许多女性表示,在阅读完一本书后,她们有了做其它事情的兴致——如旅行、换工作、回学校深造、暂别伴侣或者尝试自己创作小说等。 |
Many said they learnt by using English .
许多(学生)说他们通过使用英语来学习。 |
Many sailors today see such lightning on the masts of their ships during a storm.
如今的许多水手都在风暴中看到过桅杆上的这种闪电。 |
Many sailors who have recently taken up the sport are soon out on the water most weekends.
许多刚学会这项运动的人很快把几乎每个周末的时间都花在了水面上。 |
Many sang, chanted and beat drums.
许多人唱歌、叫喊和击鼓。 |
Many scenarios for global warming, for example, invoke a speedup in the hydrological cycle by which water evaporates and then comes down as rain.
例如,全球气候变暖的许多现象引起了水文循环的加速,其形式是水分的蒸发上升,然后以雨的形式降落至地面。 |
Many scenic spots now provide instant photographic service.
现在许多景点都提供立等可取的拍摄服务。 |
Many scholarly writings on the image still identify it as such.
很多学术性的著作也有同样的鉴别。 |
Many scholars believe that the money needed should be raised through various channels, but at the present time it is still difficult to collect enough money in this way.
对于高等教育资金的筹措,目前研究者大多持这样的观点:中国教育的融资渠道应该也必须多元化,才能改变目前高等教育融资渠道单一、经费不足的困境。 |
Many scholars consider that the eldest male children by tribal leader's wife have always been first in line to inherit the office according to Yi ethnic group's custom in northwest Guizhou province, however, this article argues that the primogeniture in r
摘要既往的许多研究采用嫡长子爲大宗、其馀衆子爲小宗,层层分封的宗法制原则来解释贵州水西彝族的政治制度,本文梳理、考辨有关彝、汉文献,认爲水西彝族本来采用的是轮替继承的承袭制度,嫡长子继承是在明代中央王朝的干预下才逐渐形成的。 |