She Snuggles up to him gently.
她轻轻地向他依偎。 |
She Studies froprofessor Weidong Tong.
师从童卫东老师。 |
She Supports herself.
他自己养活自己。 |
She Yun-Ki, fell mortally ill while taking the drug.
葛兰素把他的死因归因于腹膜炎,但梁教授说这是误导。 |
She __beat__ me every time for the first year.
第一年每次都是她赢。 |
She a beauty! I should say as soon call her mother a wit.
她要算是美人的话,她母亲可以算是一个才子了。 |
She abhors cruelty to animals.
她痛恨残忍对待动物。 |
She absent-mindedly played with some hairs which clung to the comb.
她心不在焉地玩弄着梳子上粘附着的几根头发。 |
She accepted my check without query.
她亳无质疑的收下了我的支票。 |
She accepted my suggestion and studied at home every day. She waited for me with dished cooked every day.
方就真的不再上班了,在家里看书。我每天下班她都做好了晚饭等我。 |
She accepted the money with mingled feelings.
她悲喜交集地收下了这笔钱。 |