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Bactericide Chemical compound which has the property of killing bacteria.

Bacterial infection of the middle ear requires antibiotics. 如果是中耳有细菌感染,就要使用抗生素来治疗。
Bacterial lipase is a kind of biocatalyst which is widely used in many industrial fields. 摘要细菌脂肪酶是一类广泛应用于工业领域的生物催化剂,具有重要的应用价值。
Bacterial or viral infection of the intestine may result in explosive watery diarrhea, tenesmus (spasmodic contraction of anal sphincter with pain and persistent desire to defecate), and abdominal cramping pain. 肠道被细菌或病毒感染,引起暴发性水泻、里急后重(肛门括约肌痉挛性收缩伴疼痛,一直想要排便)及腹部绞痛。
Bacterial with quorum-sensing system can release a kind of signal molecule called autoinducer, which increase as the bacterial quorum goes up. 具有群体感应的细菌能产生并释放一种被称为自动诱导物的信号分子,随着细胞密度增加而同步增加。
Bactericidal Used to describe a compound that has a lethal effect on bacteria. 杀菌的:一种对于细菌有致死作用的化合物。
Bactericide Chemical compound which has the property of killing bacteria. 杀菌剂具有杀死细菌作用的化合物。
Bacteriochlorophyll Any of several types of chlorophyll found in photosynthetic bacteria, such as the purple bacteria. 细菌叶绿素:在光能合成细菌如紫细菌中发现的几种类型的叶绿素。
Bacteriophage (phage) A virus that infects bacteria. 噬菌体:感染细菌的病毒。
Bacteriostatic Used to describe a compound that prevents reproduction of bacteria, but does not kill them. 抑菌的:一种可以阻止细菌复制但又不会令细菌致死的化合物。
Bacterium-resistance wallpaper: Safe and hygiene wallpaper, get Japanese 1 level hygiene standard; Be used for hospital and sickroom etc. 抗菌:安全卫生,等同日本1级卫生标准,适用于医院病房等环境。
Bacteroid A modified bacterial cell in a root nodule, typically a cell of the bacterium Rhizobium in the root nudule of a leguminous plant (family Fabaceae). 类细菌:在根瘤中经过修饰的细菌细胞,比较典型的是在豆科植物根瘤中的根瘤菌(蝶形花科)。

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