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But how does winning an Olympic tournament compare to lifting the World Cup? Mia Hamm can tell you.

But how do you enforce that kind of control when your data is just text in hand-editable files? Fortunately, validating files and documents can ensure that data fits constraints. 但是,当数据为手编文件中的文本时,如何加强这种控制呢?幸运的是,校验文件和文档可以确保数据符合限制条件。
But how do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume? 但,你如何去感激把你从庸俗中带领成有品味的恩人?
But how do you write keyword-rich copy without compromising readability? 那么,你该如何书写恰当的关键词以保证不影响可读性呢?
But how does an enhanced reputation weigh inthe Darwinian balance? 但是在达尔文的天平上,一个被提升的名声到底有多重?
But how does this chemical choreography play out? 但这场生化之舞究竟是如何演出的呢?
But how does winning an Olympic tournament compare to lifting the World Cup? Mia Hamm can tell you. 但是,夺得奥运会金牌和夺得世界杯冠军的感觉有什么不一样么?让米亚-哈姆来告诉你答案。
But how far do we push the global idea? 但是,我们的全球战略应该推行到一个什么程度呢?
But how great my surprise when at the day's end I emptied my bag on the floor to find a least little gram of gold among the poor heap. 但是我一惊不小,当我在晚上把口袋倒在地上的时候,在我乞讨来的粗劣东西之中,我发现了一粒金子。
But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don't know. Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself. 21至于他如今怎么能看见,我们却不知道。是谁开了他的眼睛,我们也不知道。他已经成了人,你们问他吧。他自己必能说。
But how ignore, I hope that he can be happy! 可是不管怎么样,我都希望他能快乐!
But how important is this to the average Iraqi? Some, including 35-year-old high school teacher Ahmed Mohammed Arif, have been following the process pretty carefully. 这次会议对普通伊拉克人很重要。一些平民很关心会议的进程,其中包括三十五岁的高中老师阿里夫。

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