Good: Floors, walls, ceilings, and equipment visibly clean. |
中文意思: 好:地面、墙、天花板和设备目视清洁。 |
Good: Floor, wall, ceiling, and equipment visibly clean.
好:地面、墙面、天花板和设备是清洁的。 |
Good: Floor, walls ceiling and equipment visibly clean.
好:地面,墙壁,天花和设备看上去清洁。 |
Good: Floor, walls, ceiling, and equipment visibly clean.
良好:干净的地板,墙壁,天花板,和设备。 |
Good: Floor, walls, ceilings and equipment reasonably clean.
好:地面、墙、天花板和设备目视清洁。 |
Good: Floor, walls, ceilings, and equipment are visibly clean.
良好的:地面、墙面、天花板和设备表面都是清洁的。 |
Good: Floors, walls, ceilings, and equipment visibly clean.
好:地面、墙、天花板和设备目视清洁。 |
Good: Fruit is handled in a reasonable manner to prevent undue damage and contamination. No conditions exist that predispose the product to external contamination.
良好的:用合理的方式处理果汁类产品,避免损坏和污染。没有使产品受到外界污染的倾向。 |
Good: Hair restraint policy follows recommendations in Division's sanitation manual.
好:束发用品要求符合区域公司卫生手册的建议。 |
Good: Juicing area effectively separated from other areas that could impart an adverse effect upon product quality.
良好的:果汁生产区与其他可能影向产品质量的区域有效隔离。 |
Good: Lighting throughout area is of sufficient intensity for employee to easily perform work, and to aid inspection of areas by sanitation and pest control crew.
好:区域里的照明有足够的强度以帮助员工执行工作并为清洁和除虫队伍提供检查的方便。 |
Good: Lighting throughout area is of sufficient intensity for employees to easily perform work, and to aid in section of area by sanitation and pest control crews.
良好的:有足够照明确保员工容易完成其工作,并确保负责卫生和昆虫控制员工做好检查工作。 |