Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation has emerged as the de facto standard, having captured most of the nascent market to date.
无载波振幅和相位调制正在成为事实上的标准,迄今已占了这个新生市场的大部分。 |
Carries a heavy load the movement (for example to walk) can prevent old when suffers from the osteoporosis.
负重运动(例如走路)能防止年老时患上骨质疏松。 |
Carries on initially records, also is first the sound recording, at this time you need to feel the recording environment, feels your sound and the accompaniment sound size through the earphone is whether appropriate, then and the recording technician expl
5进行初录,也就是第一遍录音,这个时候你需要感受录音环境,通过耳机感受你的声音和伴奏声音大小是否合适,然后和录音师说明,录音师会适当调整音量,并且歌手要熟悉伴奏。 |
Carries on the live pig and other meat domestic animals after our company slaughters and technology and so on meat classification trains 6 months tests to pass an examination, achieved three levels are hired,Can skilled grasp the live pig and other meat d
经我公司进行生猪及其他肉食牲畜屠宰及肉分类等技术培训6个月考试及格,达到三级被录用,能熟练掌握生猪及其他肉食牲畜之屠宰及肉分类等技术。 |
Carries out and completes the superior arranges the production order, guarantees the safety in production.
执行并做好班长安排的生产工作指令,确保安全生产。 |
Carrington's day in London passed pleasantly, and his heart was light.
这一天卡林顿在伦敦过得不错,心情非常愉快。 |
Carrion Comfort. Dan Simmons. A secret society of psychic vampires feed off others' misery and play games with human minds.
一个超自然吸血鬼的社会导致其他人的痛苦并和人类头脑斗智。 |
Carrion and his colleagues are now using an imaging technique known as functional MRI to visualize whether and how the children's brains differ when performing emotional and cognitive tasks.
现在卡里昂与其同事正使用影像学技术即功能性核磁成像(功能性MRI)来对儿童大脑在完成情绪性和认知性任务时是否出现不同和怎样出现不同进行可视化研究。 |
Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them.
乌鸦吃死羊,先要哭一场;猫哭老鼠假慈悲。 |
Carrol:What? Today is saturday. Not on your life would I spend the whole day in the library on the weekend.
什么?今天是星期六。我可决不在周末把整天时间都耗在图书馆。 |
Carroll had gone to interview Dulaimi at his office in a lawless Sunni neighborhood in Baghdad on January 7.
卡罗尔1月7日前往巴格达动乱的逊尼派社区杜莱米的办公室采访他。 |