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Abstract: In this paper, a new method for dynamic measurement of engineexhaust using TOFMS(Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer)is presented, and a high-speed data acquisition system is designed.

Abstract: In this paper the main noise source of SQ6450 type light car was judged by means of spectrum and correlation analysis of noise signal.The corresponding proposal reducing noise was presented. 文摘:对SQ6450轻型汽车进行了噪声测试,通过对噪声信号的频谱分析和相干分析,找出了主噪声源,并提出了降噪措施。
Abstract: In this paper we elaborate some discussion and write r's actual experience aimed at post process of using UG software to identify two rotary axes of five-axis hexapod machine centre and initialize beginning of Proc edure. 文摘:根据作者的实际体会就应用UG软件针对五轴加工中心的两个旋转轴的定义和程序开头初始化的后处理问题作了一些探讨。
Abstract: In this paper we investigated the effects on human bo dies after being placed in the Jiang's guideti cabin with biotic field to receiv e the plant seedlings' irradiating biological electromagnetic waves. 文摘:将人体置于姜氏场导舱内接受载有青春信息的植物幼苗发射的生物电磁波。
Abstract: In this paper, Equipment Factory experiences in control of production cost to improve economic benefit are introduced. 摘要:本文着重讲述装备分厂为提高经济效益,在控制生产成本方面的一点经验。
Abstract: In this paper, a new approach of parametric design of ship nodes is provided which enables designers to build new types of ship nodes by selecting model-operations interactively. 文摘:本文通过对船舶节点和节点设计方法的考察,应用基于构造过程的约束求解方法建立一种使设计人员利用交互手段选择有关模型操作建立船舶新节点类型的参数化设计方法。
Abstract: In this paper, a new method for dynamic measurement of engineexhaust using TOFMS(Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer)is presented, and a high-speed data acquisition system is designed. 文摘:本文介绍了利用飞行时间质谱仪(TOFMS)对发动机发动过程中的排气成分进行动态检测的方法以及为此开发的高速数据采集系统。
Abstract: In this paper, an orthogonal designing method was used for the optimal design of an exhaust muffler for vehicle. 文摘:利用正交设计方法对汽车的排气消声器进行优化设计,弄清了不同参数对消声器性能的影响和变化规律。
Abstract: In this paper, author tries to gives a complete systematic guide read skeleton of self-design for one's life, and illuminates briefly the importance and the method to know how to read excellent books and how to build up a personal database and p 内容摘要:本文力图提供一个系统完备的人生自我设计的读书计划纲要;简明扼要地阐明了懂得读好书、会读书、会建立自己的资料库,会制作个人主页的重要性及其方法;较为系统、全面地探讨了如何能够实现读书不走弯路而走捷径,花一分时间,就能获一份实效,在两三年内读完一个高素质人才所必读的书籍,从而实现人生自我启蒙,构建较为完备的,高远、坚实的思想基础和寛厚的知识基础,获得较好的进一步自学深造的能力及自我激励奋机制的重要方法。
Abstract: In this paper, basis on the distribution of non-broken filament length of cocoon, we gave the characteristic function, and discussed on its application. 文摘:在前文已经给出的连续型解舒丝长分布的基础上,给出解舒丝长的特征函数,讨论其应用的问题。
Abstract: In this paper, by numerical simulation, studied is the determination of eddy-current for the purpose of exciting magnetism of eddy-current coupling drive in the starting process of pump. 文摘:根据电磁调速电动机驱动的水泵机组起动过程中的力矩平衡方程,得到水泵转速的变化率与水泵转速和励磁电流的函数关系式,据此进行数值模拟。
Abstract: In this paper, experimental study on the influence of air temperature, air velocity and feed rate on the process of impinging stream drying ( ISD) had been performed on an experimental coaxial impinging stream dryer, a number of important conclu 文摘:利用对撞流干燥法,对小米进行了风温、风量和喂入量等操作参数的试验研究,得到了小米的干燥特性规律。

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