These approaches are currently being scaled up through a combination of support from the EC, the corporate sector and the governmental agencies.
这些方法因欧共体、社团组织和政府机构的支持而得以大面积推广。 |
These aquariums look exotic, but once set up, they are easy to keep because all the components originate within the same water type.
这种鱼缸看上去充满了异国风情,但是鱼缸一旦设立好,就很容易照顾,因为所有部分都源自相同的水体类型。 |
These arbitrary events brought concern and even fear to these colonies.
这些独断专横的事件带给这些殖民地的是担忧甚至是恐惧。 |
These archetypes of the divine are worshipped by Wiccans to this very day.
巫术崇拜者每天崇拜这些神的原型。 |
These are 1) the case of an inversely impacted permanent maxillary incisor secondary to a supernumerary tooth, and 2) the case of severe root dilacerations of a horizontally impacted incisor with midline deviation, severe space deficiency and congenital a
第二个病例是一位十一岁六个月的女孩,他的左上颚正中门牙因为牙根大角度弯曲,造成水平阻生,同时合并有空间丧失,中线不正,严重空间不足及双侧下颚侧门牙先天缺牙等问题。 |
These are 18.100B (Analysis and Metric Spaces) and 18.700 (Linear Algebra). The course 18.101 (Calculus in Several Variables) would be useful and some familiarity with topological groups is also helpful.
学生需要预修18.100B(分析和度量空间)和18.700(线性代数)。预修过课程18.101(多变数微积分)或者熟悉拓扑群都对学习本课程有帮助。 |
These are ENOUGH DRILLS to work on for WEEKS if not months!
这些训练足够你练习个把星期,如果不是个把月的话! |
These are GOOD solid lessons for close combat!
这些对于近距离格斗来说是很好的一课! |
These are Olympus bodies not Panasonic or anyone else.
这些只是奥林巴斯的机身不包括松下或者其他品牌的机身. |
These are Regular Triangles in Non-Euclidean plane.
这些都是非欧平面上的正三角形,像不像扇子? |
These are The Christ, Who stands in the center; the Lord of living forms, The Manu, Who stands at His right; and The Lord of Civilization, who stands to His left.
他们是救世主,站立在中间;生命形态之主,摩奴,站立在他的右边;文明之主,站立在他的左边。 |