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Because the bad natural environment condition in the western affects the development of agricultural production the rural is poverty.

Because the analyte molecules are recognized by forming the binding complex with antibody, a decrease in the detection limit is achieved only by an increase in the reaction yield. 因为分析物分子能通过与抗体形成结合物而被发现,所以降低检测极限只能通过增加反应产率来达到。
Because the antigen–antibody reaction is an equilibrium binding reaction, the magnitude of the signal relies on the concentration of each reactant. 因为抗原-抗体反应是一个平衡结合反应,所以信号量依赖于每个反应物的浓度。
Because the antitrust laws encourage competition that leads to low prices, courts and antitrust authorities challenge predatory activities only when they will lead to higher prices. 由于反托拉斯法是鼓励因竞争而产生低价格的,所以法院和反托拉斯当局只对引起高价的掠夺性定价行为进行规制。
Because the appreciate interplanting period is between wheat heading and milking stage,when wheat needs 1500-1800 m3/ha water, water supply should both ensure wheat requirement and prepare suitable soil moisture for maize emergence. 因为适宜套种期是小麦抽穗灌浆期,小麦需水1500~1800米3/公顷,供水应保证满足小麦需要和玉米出苗的土壤湿度。
Because the atoms are so close to the wires, less than one watt of electric power is enough to operate this magnetic trap—it could easily be run off the battery of a laptop computer. 由于原子云离导线相当近,产生这个磁阱所需要的电能不到一瓦特——一般笔记型电脑的电池便足以供应。
Because the bad natural environment condition in the western affects the development of agricultural production the rural is poverty. 由于西部的自然环境条件恶劣,影响农业生产的发展,从而导致农村贫困。
Because the banana includes the amine and base acid, will transform into the serum and promote plainly, will make people limp and improving mood. 因为香蕉含胺基酸,会转化成血清促进素,令人松驰、提升情绪。
Because the beam of electrons is needed to fabricate each structure, the process is similar to the copying of a manuscript by hand, one line at a time. 由于做出每个结构都需用到电子束,所以这个过程类似于用手一行一行地抄写文稿。
Because the bolts were never taken out, climbers didn't need to worry about making their own 2)trails. 因为耳片从不取出,所以攀岩者不用担心要自己建立路线。
Because the bridge has been bombed, it's impossible to victual the army now. 因为那座桥被炸毁了,现在无法向军队供应食品了。
Because the bright clear furniture unique art value, the collection value and this company strives for perfection the management idea, loyal Hua Rui has a higher prestige and the prestige in this profession. 由于明清家具独特的艺术价值、收藏价值和本公司精益求精的经营理念,忠华瑞在本行业中享有较高的声誉和威望。

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