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The results indicated that flexible and controllable coping styles had higher well-being, the revered ones had the lowest.

The results indicated that Japanese students have a negative image of people in power and want to avoid jobs that bear heavy responsibilities. 这一结果反映出日本学生对权势者抱有的成见以及害怕承担责任重大工作的心理。
The results indicated that all testing varieties have shown a good stability and widespread adaptability. 结果表明:所有的参试品种都表现出了较好的稳定性,具有广泛的适应性。
The results indicated that business process asset specificity, transaction specific investment and net dependency have positive correlation with the degree of electronic integration; though trust and exercised power did not show strong correlation with th 如果从加盟制度之类别,授权加盟及自愿加盟来分析,前述三项与电子整合程度仍成正比;而总部的权力运用可明显看出和电子整合程度有正向关系;至于信赖度之差异则是不明显。
The results indicated that cucumber seed soaked with extracts from P. multisectum (Maxim.) Bohr. could accelerate the growth of seedling and promote the breeding of healthy seedling. 说明用多裂骆驼蓬提取液浸种能够促进黄瓜幼苗生长,有利于培育壮苗。
The results indicated that discontinuity of micro structure of work layer caused by in.homogeneous distribution of chemical composition, different pattern of carbide, mhomogeneity of hardness lead to large area of spalling and frther scrapping of roll. 结果表明,化学成分的不均匀分布,造成轧辊辊身工作层组织不连续、碳化拘形态各异使辊身工作层硬度不均匀,产生大面积剥落,最终导致轧辊报废。
The results indicated that flexible and controllable coping styles had higher well-being, the revered ones had the lowest. 结果显示灵活型和控制型风格个体的幸福感较高,反向型个体的幸福感最低。
The results indicated that gas discharge could enhance the oxidation with a rather low power consumption. 使用交直流叠加电源,亚硫酸钠的转化率随著交流电压的升高而升高。
The results indicated that gender makes no significant difference in achievement motivation and job satisfaction, but gender role plays a significant part. 因此,性别角色才是影响工作者在成就动机与内在工作满意的重要因素。
The results indicated that in the precondition of eligible durability, 11% of FA content and 7% of stone powder content had the composition effects, which made concretes have best workability and strength, and restrain the shrinkage to a degree. 结果表明,在耐久性满足要求的前提下,11%掺量的粉煤灰与7%含量的石粉产生了良好的复合叠加效应,使混凝土获得了最佳和易性和强度值,且对干缩起到了一定的抑制作用。
The results indicated that it was easy, feasible and practical to forecast the dynamics of the adult population with the method. 结果表明:应用此方法监测马毛松毛虫种群数量动态的变化,简单、实用、可行。
The results indicated that large amounts of non-natural silver grains existed in this branch of lead concentrates and the silver grains were distributed around the galena in a loose flocculating form. 结果表明,此批铅精矿含有大量的非天然银矿物,银颗粒呈疏松絮状物分布在方铅矿周围。

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