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Little Dora wept until she fell asleep.

Little Billy is so silly, because he's always sleepy. 小比利,太愚蠢,他总是睡不醒。
Little Bob cut his hand on the broken glass. 小鲍勃的一只手被碎玻璃割破了。
Little Bobby went in front and his father walked behind. 小波比在前面走,他父亲跟在后面。
Little Charlie carried the doll everywhere. Then one day, he just cast it aside. (小查理以前去哪都带着他的洋娃娃。但是有一天,他突然就不带了。)
Little Cherry:Yes!Yes!I did this for learn more! 小樱桃:对!对!我是为了吸取更多教训才这么做的嘛!
Little Dora wept until she fell asleep. 小多拉哭得睡着了.
Little Franz was scolded by his teacher out of playing truant. 由于逃学小弗朗士受到教师的责骂。
Little Georg always makes trouble,all we think he is the black sheep in our school. 小乔治在学校总是制造麻烦,我们都认为他是害群之马。
Little George cut down his father's favorite cherry tree while trying out his new hatchet. 小乔治在试他新斧头时砍倒了爸爸最心爱的樱桃树。
Little George was a spider. 小乔治是一只蜘蛛。
Little Girl said, “Please come to my house and play with me. 小姑娘说:“请你们到我家去玩吧!”

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