Multiplying two large primes is an example of a so-called one-way function: the multiplication takes only a few microseconds, and the time is proportional to the length of the binary representations of the numbers; in contrast, discovering the two primes
两个很大的质数相乘,正是所谓「单向函数」的例子:在电脑上,两数相乘只需要几微秒的时间,运算时间与这些数的二进位表示法长度大致成正比;相反的,如果给定乘积,要反求出原本的两个质因数,就需要很长的时间,例如解一个512位元的乘积,大概要花上几小时的时间,位数再多则呈缓慢的指数成长(相对于乘积的位数)。 |
Multiresolution methods describe the texture characteristics at coarse-to-fine resolutions.
多分辨率法以由粗到细的分辨率描述纹理特征。 |
Multistage structural deformations are experienced in Kongquehe area, the basical fault systems of NWW-near EW, NNE-near SN, NNW and NEE are established, the fault movement has the characteristics of multistage and inheritance, in the area multi-structura
摘要孔雀河地区经历了多期次的构造变形作用,形成了现今北西西-近东西向、北北东-近南北向、北北西向和北东东向基本断裂体系,同时断裂活动表现为多期性和继承性的特点;该区经历了震旦纪至早奥陶世、早奥陶世末-志留纪、侏罗系、白垩纪-新生代等多期构造变形作用,且后期的构造变形作用在不同程度上对前期的构造层的变形样式有所改造,形成了有一定差异的变形面貌,造成变形的复合登加。 |
Multistep nature of carcinogenesis proen.
证明癌形成是多阶段的特点. |
Multistep nature of carcinogenesis proven.
证明癌形成是多阶段的特点. |
Multitasking capabilityenables the performance of varioustasks simultaneously to furtherincrease wellsite efficiency.
多任务功能支持不同任务的同时处理,从而进一步提高了井场效率。 |
Multitasking is out and focus is in.
多任务处理过时了,集中精力做事开始流行起来。 |
Multitasking was introduced into the language in the late 1990s.
多任务处理这个词于上世纪90年代末进入人们的语言。 |
Multitasking(1) may be a necessity in today's fast-paced world, but new research shows distractions(2) affect the way people learn, making the knowledge they gain harder to use later on.
一心多用可能在当今快节奏的世界里是必要的,但最新研究发现注意力的分散会影响人们学习的方式,使学到的知识很难在日后得到应用。 |
Multitudes of believers and church workers in China face exorbitant medical costs which they cannot pay.
许多中国信徒和传道人都无法负担高昂的医疗费用。 |
Multivariate analyses were applied to calculate the odds ratios of leucopenia or neutropenia for exposure groups versus unexposed group.
我们的结果发现除了环氧乙烷和工程两组,其馀6组的白血球减少和中性球减少盛行率均未超过6%。 |