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It influences the miaow thiazole quinoline to lose slowly that the experiment is drawn the pharmaceutical loses slowly the factor of performance has temperature mainly, density, the membrane time in advance, and design many group's simulation systems for

It indicates that the investment fund manager will become rational if he has enough working experience, and the effect of overconfidence on the returns and risk of investment fund does not always exist. 这说明在一定条件下,逐渐丰富的工作经验会使基金经理变得理性,而过度自信对基金收益和风险的影响也并非长期存在。
It indicates that the microscale spiral (vortex) growth dislocation is related to the ecosystem dynamics from South China Sea. 并指出,这种螺旋生长机制与中国南海某种生态动力学机制有关。
It indicates that under the impact of climate change, the suitable habitat for Formosan Landlocked Salmon will be compressed temporally and spatially. 研究结果显示樱花鈎吻鲑的「适当栖地」,在时间与空间的尺度上,均有被封装的情形出现。
It indicates that wrist-ankle acupuncture combinated massage has better curative effects for scapulohumeral periarthritis. 说明腕踝针配合推拿治疗肩周炎疗效好。
It influences on the relations of two countries eternally. 和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响。
It influences the miaow thiazole quinoline to lose slowly that the experiment is drawn the pharmaceutical loses slowly the factor of performance has temperature mainly, density, the membrane time in advance, and design many group's simulation systems for 实验得出影响咪唑啉缓蚀剂缓蚀性能的因素主要有温度,浓度,预膜时间,并针对这三个因素的不同影响设计了多组模拟体系,验证出该缓蚀剂是一种阳极型的缓蚀剂,缓蚀性能主要来自于吸附成膜后形成空间位阻,从而隔离了碳钢基体和腐蚀介质。
It inheres the momentous sustaining functions on developing regional tourism, enriching the content of tourism growth, and further exploit the touring resource. 它对于发展地区旅游业,对于丰富旅游业发展内容,进一步开发旅游资源具有重要的支持作用。
It inhibits additionally those enzymes responsible for the destruction of lung tissue in chronic bronchitis. 另外碧萝芷?还能抑制慢性支气管炎病症里损坏肺组织的酶。
It inhibits lysosomal enzymes in the catabolic phase of inflammation. 它能抑制参与炎症分解代谢的酶。
It initializes the object's overhead members. 它初始化对象成员。
It inoles a lot of hard work. 那需要很多的辛勤工作。

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