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Specially-trained dogs can smell out drugs.

Specially it that red tongue as soon as extendsas soon as shrinks, it specially likes me bringing it to exit plays,each time I bring when it exits plays, rustlealways gathers roundmy foot to run around in circles, looks like has any urgent matter tohave t 特别是它那红红的舌头一伸一缩,它特别喜欢我带它出去玩,每次我带它出去玩时,“沙沙”总是围着我的脚团团转,就好像有什么急事要办一样。
Specially my factory production rubs the mushroom stone to work fine, the timber wood is elegant, is high keeps off the housingand the villa timber wood ideal material. 特别是我厂生产的磨菇石做工精细、用材考究,是高档住宅及别墅用材的理想材料。
Specially suitable for zinc patching of weld seam in tube welding line, and capacitor spray. 本套设备适合于高频焊管生产线上进行焊缝的补锌及电容喷涂。
Specially the woman, belongs to the dependence and theattack mixed type, is easy to let the man be weary of. 特别是女人,属于依赖和进攻混合型,容易让男人厌倦。
Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. 特制的灯笼挂在各家的门外,为的是帮助亡灵看清道路。
Specially-trained dogs can smell out drugs. 受过特殊训练的狗能嗅出毒品.
Specialties : Small Dimension, Low Insertion Loss, High Restraint Outside the Band and High Reliability. 特点:可实现的滤波器的体积小,插入损耗小,还外抑制高,可靠性高。
Specialties : The range of center frequency it can achieve is bigger than One-piece Filter; At the time it has the features of wide pass-band, low insertion loss and high restraint outside the band. 特点:可实现的中心频率范围较单片滤波器宽,通带宽度范围大,插入损耗小,带外抑制高。
Specialties: Singing, Staying awake, Walking, thinking, playing and playing the 3.6.9 game. 专长:唱歌、保持清醒(?)、走路(散步)、思考、玩还有玩3.6.9游戏。
Specialty Features: Teaching in international trade should be linked with the latest international trade rules and practical operation; it is intended to train broad-based, practice-strengthened and extensively suited advanced professionals. 国际贸易专业的教学与最新国际贸易规则和实务操作能力的培养相结合,培养宽基础、重实务、适应性强的高级应用型专门人才。
Specialty Spells and Powers: Like creature “Evolution” above, specialty spells and powers must exist that allow the disparate energies to manipulate each other, on a limited scale. 专门的法术和异能:和前述生物“进化”一样,必须有一些专门的法术和异能让这两种相异的能量有限度地彼此影响。

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