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It is as large again as that.
这比那个大一倍。(注意:as large again as是…的两倍,比…大一倍)

It is as if one were to praise someone because with the years he grows older, and in consequence comes nearer and nearer to death with increasing speed. 这正好像赞美某人只是因他年令越来越大,最终与死亡越来越近,也越来越快。
It is as if the human form starts their ascension in reverse, and before it can even think of moving into first gear, the form must be resurrected. 就象人类形态开始逆方向提升一样,甚至在它考虑进入第一个齿轮前,形态就必须复兴。
It is as if the time were come to wind up my work, and I feel in the air a faint smell of thy sweet presence. 这就像结束工作的时间已到,我感觉到在空气中有你光降的微馨。
It is as if they are the one and only person on Earth. 好像他们是世界上唯一且仅有的一个人一样。
It is as important today as air superiority has been in past wars. 今天的信息优势如同过去的空中优势一样重要。
It is as large again as that. 这比那个大一倍。(注意:as large again as是…的两倍,比…大一倍)
It is as large as Belgium. 它的面积和比利时一样大。
It is as morally hard to turn her away as it is a lost dog. 从道义上讲,你很难将她赶走,就像你很难赶走一条丧家之犬一样。
It is as near to you as your life, but you can never wholly know it. 它和你亲近得像你的生命一样,但是你永远不能完全了解它。
It is as the soul bows itself before Him to remember His greatness and His holiness, His power and His love, and seeks to give Him the honour and the reverence and the worship that are His due, that the heart will be opened to receive the Divine impressio 当人的心俯伏在他的面前,想念他的伟大,他的圣洁,他的能力和他的爱心,并将他的名所该得的荣耀,尊贵和敬拜,归给他的时候,人的心就敞开来接受神的亲密,和他能力的工作。
It is as this spirit lives and rules in us, that we shall receive power from Him as intercessors to pray the effectual prayer that availeth much. 我们若有耶稣的灵住在我们里面,且让圣灵掌管我们全人,我们就可像耶稣一样,做一个忠心的代祷者,常常在上帝面前祷告,且带出大有功效的能力。

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