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Safety Guard Loading Test: Loaded with 1.5 M/T Test Load on the safety guard for 30 minutes continuously.

Safely kept within Vatican City lie some of the world's most valuable treasures: the Gardens, St. 它是靠全世界天主教机构的进贡及旅游业养活自己。
Safer and tighter stem seal. 更安全、更紧密地阀杆密封。
Safety - Do not add the stipulation of government any violate to prohibit composition, Own product announce health quarantine and technical watchdog certificate of proof. 安全—不添加政府规定的任何违禁成分,所有产品均报卫生检疫及技术监督部门检验合格。
Safety Auditing is an effective monitoring and assessment tool to the HSE management. 安全审核是一种有效的监测和评估的工具。
Safety Devices Full safety cover for noise-suppression and dust-proofing. Emergency stop button. 安全装置全机体安全护盖,可防尘及减低噪音,紧急停机开关。
Safety Guard Loading Test: Loaded with 1.5 M/T Test Load on the safety guard for 30 minutes continuously. 安全架荷重检定:在安全架上放置1.5吨砝码,并持续一分钟。
Safety Notes: In the event that you adjust the engine in your model, be sure to switch on the receiver and the transmitter before starting it. 安全注记:如果您要在您的飞机上调整引擎,请确定接收器和发射机电源已经打开。
Safety analysis was based on the incidence of aderse eents. 安全性分析基于不良反应的发生率。
Safety and easy operation:Hidden air leaking hole for opening fixture cover easily while pulling up hand lever of the upper cover. 操作方便,安全:隐藏式洩气孔,拉起上盖把手即可打开治具,操作简易,安全性高。
Safety and guard: This product is irritant to skin. Wash skin with clean water immediately if this product is splashed on skin. 5安全与防护:本品对皮肤有刺激作用,一旦接触皮肤时,用水立即冲洗即可。
Safety and guard: This product is weak acidic .Wash skin with clean water immediately if this product is splashed on skin. Wear glove and protective glass while operating. 5安全与防护:本品为弱酸性物品,溅在皮肤上及时用清水冲洗,操作时要佩带手套和防护眼镜。

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