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A dynamical model of H2 fuel cell stack with water balance is developed in this paper for studying steady and dynamical performances of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks.

A dynamic media acts as a check on abuses by both companies and governments. Powerful nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) influence corporate policies on social and environmental issues. 媒体能够对来自政府和企业的滥用权力现象进行监督,强大的非政府组织能够对与社会和环境相关的政策产生影响。
A dynamic model of gas diffusion without wind is established according to the Grads Theory. 在限定容器中气体介质是中性气体的情况下,由于中性气体在扩散过程中各向同性,扩散方程获得了简化。
A dynamic program slice is obtained by recursively traversing the data and control dependence edges in the dynamic dependence graph of the program for the given test case[0,3]. 对于给定的测试用例{[0.3],动态程序片是通过以下方式获得的:递归遍历程序动态依赖图中的数据和控制依赖边.
A dynamic proxy class is a class that implements a list of interfaces specified at runtime such that a method invocation through one of the interfaces on an instance of the class will be encoded and dispatched to another object through a uniform interface 也就是说要用动态代理,那么一个类的行为需要实现统一的一个或多个接口才能实现,当这个类实例的方法被调用的时候,可以对之进行一些拦截处理。
A dynamic task allocation mechanism is presented which reduces communication traffic and resolves the problem of task deadlock on the basis of shortening task completion time. 提出了一种动态任务分配机制,在缩短任务完成时间的基础上减少了系统通信量并解决了任务死锁问题。
A dynamical model of H2 fuel cell stack with water balance is developed in this paper for studying steady and dynamical performances of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks. 摘要提出和建立了包含水平衡的氢燃料电池堆的动态模型,用于研究质子交换膜(PEM)燃料电池堆的静、动态性能。
A dynamics model for complete vehicle is set up in natural coordinates, and a simulation on speed changing and steering of a 4WD electric vehicle with motor-in-wheel drive is conducted. 摘要采用自然坐标系下的整车动力学模型,模拟变速或转向过程中可能存在的变化情况,进行了四电动轮独立驱动的电动汽车仿真。
A dynamics model for that engine mount is set up and a simulation on its dynamic characteristics is conducted using ADAMS software with corresponding tests performed. 通过试验测试了电流变液力悬置的动态特性,并将仿真结果与试验结果进行了比较分析。
A dyslexic who hopes to help other dyslexics someday, she immediately volunteered to tutor learning-disabled persons through the local society for the deaf. 身为诵读困难者的露丝向来希望有朝一日能够协助其他患者,便立即自愿透过当地的失聪协会,一对一指导有学习障碍的人。
A dystopia is usually characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government, or some other kind of oppressive social control. 反乌托邦通常具有以下特点,独裁主义者或极权主译者的政府形式,或者一些其他压迫性的社会控制。
A e client's re iratory character, o erving symmetry and degree of chest wall abdominal movement. 评估病人呼吸特征,观察胸壁腹部移动对称性及程度。

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