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And while it may alert us to who's the best fit, romantically speaking, it doesn't mean finding your soul mate will make love easy.

And while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, saying, Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much today in a dream because of Him. 19彼拉多正坐在审判台上的时候,他的夫人打发人到他那里说,这义人的事,你一点也不可管,因为我今天在梦中,因祂受了许多苦。
And while he yet spake with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep: for she kept them. 9雅各正和他们说话的时候,拉结领着她父亲的羊来了,因为那些羊是她牧放的。
And while he yet spake, behold, Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came: and Adonijah said unto him, Come in; for thou art a valiant man, and bringest good tidings. 王上1:42他正说话的时候、祭司亚比亚他的儿子约拿单来了、亚多尼雅对他说、进来罢、你是个忠义的人、必是报好信息。
And while her Pier on the Central waterfront may be slated for demolition, the statue of Queen Victoria still sits unperturbed in the park that bears her name. 这句没译出来,作者是说,虽然位于中环的皇后码头要拆了,但维多丽亚皇后的塑像却还耸立在以她的名字命名的公园(即简称维园的维多丽亚公园)里。
And while it is unquestionably good for humans to admire, it is not necessarily for the human who is being admired. 尽管毫无疑问当人崇拜其他同类时会感觉不错,但那些被崇拜的人可就不一定舒服了。
And while it may alert us to who's the best fit, romantically speaking, it doesn't mean finding your soul mate will make love easy. 浪漫地说,这个理论可能会帮助我们找到适合的对象,不过,这并不意味着一旦找到灵魂伴侣,爱就会变得容易。
And while it was surprising at first, theorists have explained pretty convincingly how gravity made it all happen: the cosmos started out with some areas of slightly higher density than average, and as the universe expanded, gravity sucked more matter int 在它最初出现时,给人一惊,理论家们都详尽的有力的解释了重力时怎样时这一切发生的:宇宙的起源于一些微小的高密度物体,随着宇宙的扩展,重力使更多的物体进入这个地区,使得周围的空间相比之下空洞.
And while it's all very nice to know that a woman has a mind, literature coming from the cold corpse of a whore is the last thing to be served in bed. 明白一个女人有脑子是桩很好的事情,不过一个冷冰冰的尸体般的婊子口中的文绘绘的语言是最不适宜在床上说的。
And while it's no longer the only bridge in town – a new bridge crosses the river downstream – the bridge has a new claim to fame: its Good Samaritan. 虽然它已经不是市里惟一的桥了──有一座新桥横跨长江的下游──这座桥却有另一个饱享盛名的原因:它是个行善者。
And while start-up companies abound in China, they are poorly supported by its financial system. 另外,虽然在中国有大量初创企业,但中国的金融体系对这些企业支持不足。
And while the average American paycheck had risen over the past 30 years,its happiness-boosting benefits were more than offset by a drop in the quality of relationships over the period. 然而在过去的30年里,美国平均收入已经有所增长,这一时期里面由于快乐升级带来的利益要多于由于关系水平导致的收入下降来。

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