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Break up the glass and press the pushbutton when you meet the emergency.

Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; tear out, O LORD, the fangs of the lions! 6神阿,求你敲碎他们口中的牙。耶和华阿,求你敲掉少壮狮子的大牙。
Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O Lord. 诗58:6神阿、求你敲碎他们口中的牙.耶和华阿、求你敲掉少壮狮子的大牙。
Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none. 15愿你打断恶人的膀臂。至于坏人,愿你追究他的恶,直到净尽。
Break up such a table into a table that contains common values (the spine) and into specific tables, one for each pattern of owned fields, each of which will have a key for the spine table and the appropriate fields to go with its type. 把这样的桌子成为包括值共同的(脊柱)的桌子,并且特定的一个的桌子为每个原野拥有的——哪个为了和其型一起去将为脊柱桌子和适当的原野有钥匙的每个——的型弄碎。
Break up the cover glass and press the button when meetting the emergency. 遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。
Break up the glass and press the pushbutton when you meet the emergency. 遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。
Break vein refers to the even and fine veins that are made purposely onto the lacquer bodies. 所谓断纹,即将漆胎制成均匀细密的纹路。
Break yourself into your most generalized demographic qualities: gender, age, race, economic class. 不妨用人口统计学中最普遍的标准把你自己“解剖”一下:性别、年龄、种族、经济阶层。
Break-brake operations have three kinds of break-brake electromagnet, over-current trip and manual button. 分闸操作有分闸电磁铁,过电流脱扣电磁铁及手动按钮操作三种。
Break-even analysis is often a key part of the entire CVP concept and it can give the manager many insights into the data with which he or she is working. 保本分析往往是整个本量利概念关键的部分,它能在经理人员处理有关数据时,给予他/她更多启示。
Break-off attacks are used when there is a threat of enemy air defenses beyond the target. 脱离攻击在目标拥有较大威胁防空武器时采用。

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