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Structure and function of the seminal vesicle in male Bostrichthys sinensis

Association between a genomic polymorphism within the CD14 locus and severe sepsis susceptibility as well as prognosis in patients after extensive burns CD14基因多态性与烧伤后严重脓毒症易感性及患者预后的关系
Stomatal characteristics and the contents of seed ODAP, protein and starch in two varieties of grass pea under stress condition 干旱条件下两种山黧豆气孔特性及种子ODAP,粗蛋白和淀粉积累的研究
Culture and neuronal induction of bone mesenchymal stem cell in vitro 体外诱导大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞向神经细胞分化
Expression of phosphorylated CREB in the rat striatum during learning and memory 学习记忆过程中磷酸化的CREB在大鼠脑纹状体内的表达
The wild Lilium resources in Tibet and its development and use 西藏野生百合属植物资源及其开发利用
Structure and function of the seminal vesicle in male Bostrichthys sinensis 雄性中华乌塘鳢贮精囊的结构与功能
Dynamic Changes in Immuno-reactivity of Endothelial Barrier Antigen and Aquaporin-4 in Contused Focus in Rats with Brain Injury 大鼠实验性脑创伤挫伤灶内皮屏障抗原和Ⅳ型水通道蛋白免疫反应性的动态改变
Formation of vascular structure induced by VEGF in the three-dimensional fibrin-gels 纤维蛋白凝胶立体培养诱导血管样结构的形成
Isolation and Purification of Recombined GNA Protein in E.coli 大肠杆菌中重组GNA蛋白的分离纯化
Pollen Records and Its Environmental Significance in the Xianghai Wetlands 向海湿地孢粉记录及其环境意义
Design and Efficacy of a Gene Trap System for Secretory Proteins 分泌蛋白特异性基因陷阱的设计与验证

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