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Topping turnover was CyberWorks, with $1.65 billion in shares changing hands, followed by $1.58 billion for Hutchison Whampoa.??

Topping the goal charts and a favourite of manager Jose Mourinho, Drogba is expected to receive a sizeable hike in his pay but as yet, a deal has not been brokered. 在射手榜上一骑绝尘,同时又是主帅穆里尼奥的最爱,德罗巴当然期望获得符合其身价的加薪合同,但是这份顺理成章的合同依然迟迟不见踪影。
Topping the list were tailgaters (28 percent), lane hoggers (20 percent) and drivers who cut in (11 percent). 其中,追尾者(28%)、乱改道的司机(20%)和“加塞儿”的司机(11%)最令人讨厌。
Topping the patent filing leader (league)of (are) Japan, the United States, China, the Republic of Korea, and European Patent Office. 其中拥有专利最多的国家依次为日本、美国、中国、韩国以及欧洲的专利办公室。
Topping the patent filing league are Japan, the United States, China, the Republic of Korea and the European Patent Office. 最高的专利国是日本、美国、中国、韩国、欧洲专利局。
Topping the results of the study were Peruvians with more than half (50.9 per cent) of them working more than 48 hours a week. 全球工作时间最长的国家是秘鲁,超过一半(50.9%)的秘鲁人一周的工作时间超过48小时。
Topping turnover was CyberWorks, with $1.65 billion in shares changing hands, followed by $1.58 billion for Hutchison Whampoa.?? 成交金额最多的是盈动,达十六亿六千五百万元。其次是和黄,成交金额达十五亿八千万元。
Toppling the Iraqi regime with only a vague plan as to what to put in its place has been the defining foul-up of the presidency. 仅凭一个含糊的替代计划扳倒伊拉克政权已成为总统当局错误失策的判定。
Tora was easily smitten, but his love stayed unrequited; and with a broken heart he would begin yet another journey. 他容易堕入情网,却总是失恋而终,伤心欲绝又再次上路。
Tora!Tora!Tora! 虎!虎!虎!
Torch shines the sky,so I praise it ;Candle gives out light,so I praise it too;my paean is for you because you have hotness and emit light. 火炬,光耀天庭,我赞扬;蜡烛,光照咫尺,我也称颂;我的赞歌献给你,因为你有一分热,发一分光。
Torch-Born: A Pandoran Mockery of the Frankenstein Lineage. 源于弗兰肯斯坦的尸祸伪系。

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