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I haven't spirit today, because I had sit up at the last night.

I haven't seen you for years, then you pop in out of the deep blue. 我好久没见到你了,你突然出现令我大吃一惊。
I haven't seen you for years. We'll have to make up for lost time. 我好几年没见到你了。我们得好好聚聚叙叙旧。
I haven't seen you in action at your office. 我还没有见过你在办公室里的样子呢。
I haven't seen your garden in daylight before. 我以前还没有在白天看过你的花园呢.
I haven't set eyes on her for a long time. 从那以后, 我再也没见过她。
I haven't spirit today, because I had sit up at the last night. 我昨晚熬夜了,今天我打不起精神。
I haven't taken a shower for a week. 我已经一个星期没洗澡了。
I haven't the faintest notion what they mean. 我一点也不知道他们是什麽意思。
I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. 我一点也不明白你在说些什么。
I haven't the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。
I haven't the vaguest idea who he is. 我一点儿都不知道他是谁。

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