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High quality whole hazelnut chocolate. The packing shows love and romance. It is liked by those who are in pursuit of something special and romantic.

High quality merino wool socks made from the highest quality New Zealand merino wool to ensure maximum comfort and dry feet. 奴优质羊毛袜制成优质新西兰羊毛奴为确保最高的舒适和干脚.
High quality product, come from mature technique and forerunner to process. 高品质的产品,来源于成熟的技术和先进的加工。
High quality raw materials supplying chains. 高品质的原材料供应。
High quality suede, not fake leather or pigskin! Only for our lucky customer! 高级麂皮,绝非一般的假皮或是猪皮!只献给幸运的你!
High quality vesicant rubber.Stand mat could absorb the club head shock; it is durable; flexible; ametabolic. 优质尼龙草皮抗击打、耐冲击、耐磨、吸振、底部为高质发泡橡胶,弹性好不变形。
High quality whole hazelnut chocolate. The packing shows love and romance. It is liked by those who are in pursuit of something special and romantic. 高品质的全榛仁巧克力。爱意与浪漫昭显于包装之中。深得追求个性与浪漫人士之欢心。
High quality-to offer you superior life! 高品质—为您提供高品位生活!
High quality/lower price 、 auto-counting 、 taring in an entire range 、 reliable and sensitive 、 Big table-board weighing 、 Optional AC&DC operation. 优越的性价比、自动校准,计数、全量程去皮、称重快而稳定、操作便捷、大台面称重、可配充电电池。
High ranking officers have their strategy and tactics. 高级军官有他们的战略战术。
High rates could curb corporate profits and consumer spending and further weaken the housing market by making mortgages more expensive. 较高的利率能控制企业利润和个人消费,同时通过提高使信贷投资也能进一步使房产市场疲软。
High rates of extinction are not everywhere; they are in unexpected places. 并非每个地方的物种灭绝速率都那麽高,不过发生的地方往往是一般人猜想不到的。

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