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Traditional food: Meng Damao fragrant rice cake, Yuewei beans flavored with aniseed, Chang Tangjiao bamboo shoots, Cao chicken, Yue chicken, fermented bean curd; Fermented series: fermented dry vegetable, fermented bean skin, fermented beans, fermented ve

Traditional feeding strategies often utilized body reserves of the sow to buffer short-term deficits in nutrient intake with minimum effect on the foetus. 传统的饲喂策略通常利用母猪体储备来缓冲短期营养摄入量的不足,来最大程度减小对胎儿的影响。
Traditional field hospitals have been out of date. 传统的野战医院已经过时。
Traditional finance and other business courses analyze a broad spectrum of factors affecting business decision-making but typically give little systematic consideration to the role of taxes. 传统的财务及其它企业课程分析影响企业决策因素的广泛范围,但通常很少有系统地思考税务所扮演的角色。
Traditional finite element calculation of saturated seepage always takes permeability coefficient as a fixed value, actually the permeability coefficient of unsaturated soil appears to be in a non-linear function relation, and has close relation with volu 摘要传统的有限元饱和渗流计算往往把渗透系数取作定值,而实际上非饱和土渗透系数呈非线性函数关系,与体积含水率、孔隙水压力密切相关。
Traditional food is prepared: sweet mince pies, a rich Christmas cake and the Christmas pudding. 传统食物是:甜肉末馅饼、一个奶油圣诞蛋糕和圣诞布丁。
Traditional food: Meng Damao fragrant rice cake, Yuewei beans flavored with aniseed, Chang Tangjiao bamboo shoots, Cao chicken, Yue chicken, fermented bean curd; Fermented series: fermented dry vegetable, fermented bean skin, fermented beans, fermented ve 传统食品类有:孟大茂香糕、越味茴香豆、长塘角笋、糟鸡、越鸡、腐乳;霉系列有:如霉干菜、霉千张、霉毛豆、霉苋菜梗;酱系列有:酱鸡、酱鸭、酱菜等产品;现代食品类有:银丝米面、中华鳖、珍珠粉;醉系列有:如醉虾、醉鸡、醉鱼干等产品。
Traditional hair salons, coffee shops and restaurant businesses were booming in residential areas dotted with multi-storey buildings. 传统的理发店、冰室、凉茶铺及茶餐厅纷纷于大部分市民居住的典型旧式唐楼开展业务。
Traditional hard drives employ electrodes called heads to create tiny magnetic regions, known as domains, on the surface of a plate as it spins. 传统的硬盘技术通过盘片的转动,使用叫“磁头”的电极在盘片表面产生名为“域”的微小磁区间。
Traditional heat supply based on burning mineral fuel in boilers not only wastes energy but also pollutes enviroments. 这里介绍一种全新的利用工业低温余热的高温热泵供暖方案。
Traditional heaters adopt 10U bending welding type so the copper's structure changed and becomes easy to break. 一般加热器,采用几10U型弯管焊烧式型,铜管因焊烧变质容易破裂。
Traditional hierarchy histological structure has been a shackle of sharing knowledge. 传统的大学科层制组织结构正成为知识共享的桎梏。

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