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Oh, did I mention he sideswipe d a police car on the way out?

Oh, congratulations! That's nice. 啊,恭喜你们!太好了。
Oh, dear! I was hoping for a chance to enjoy the opera. 哦,天哪!我原希望有机会欣赏这场歌剧的。
Oh, dear, I was hoping to see him. 哦,天哪!我原希望见到他本人的。
Oh, dear, you are always dreaming. 噢,天哪,你总是做梦。
Oh, dear. I want you to know that being with you, it's as good as it gets. 亲爱的,世上没有比跟你在一起更幸福的了。
Oh, did I mention he sideswipe d a police car on the way out? 哦,我有没有提到他在出停车场的时候擦到了警车?
Oh, didn't I e-mail you? 哦,我没给你发过邮件么?
Oh, didn't you know we are going to work as a caretaker in the wetland? 韩佳:哎,今天我们不是要去当湿地管理员嘛?
Oh, do hush up! 哦,可别出声!
Oh, don't tell me you lost it! 哦,别告诉我你弄丢了!
Oh, don't worry about it. accidents happen. Besides, I knew Bobby was coming. I should have put that vase away. 哦,别担心。意外总是会发生的。另外,知道鲍比要来,我应该早点把花瓶放起来。

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