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In America traditionally the college senior class gives a ball each spring.

In America many people pay off their home mortgage and achieve financial independence by the time they retire, and some have investments (stocks and bonds) that provide some income. 在美国,很多人到了退休时已经付清了住房贷款,获得了经济上的独立,有些人拥有能带来收益的投资(股票和债券)。
In America slave descendants are fighting a long-running legal battle, in a class-action lawsuit, to get financial compensation from corporations alleged to have benefited from slavery. 美洲的奴隶后裔们正在进行一场旷日持久的法律之战,这是一场集体诉讼,他们期望那些从奴隶贸易中受益的公司能给予经济赔偿。
In America the rate hit almost 6% (see chart), well above the Fed's target of 5.25%. 在美国,拆贷利率达到6%(见图),远远超出联储会所定的5.25%。
In America the “tooth rat” was replaced by the “tooth fairy”, who would compensate9 the child with money for surrendering10 the tooth to her. 在美国,“牙老鼠”被“牙仙女”所代替.小孩子把脱落的牙齿交给牙仙女,牙仙女会付钱给孩子们作为补偿.
In America these tend to skew the results towards the Democrats. 在美国,偏差的结果对民主党有利。
In America traditionally the college senior class gives a ball each spring. 按传统,美国大学高年级学生每年春季举办大型舞会。
In America's current political environment, pandering to middle-class gripes appears far more popular than really helping the poor. 美国当前的政治环境中,迎合中产阶级的苦恼显然比真正帮助穷人更走红。
In America's dog-eat-dog business world, chief executives are rarely seen as friendly shoulders to cry on or trusted advisers on career development. 在竞争残酷的美国商界,首席执行官们很少被人视为可以诉苦的对象,或者是职业发展方面可信赖的顾问。
In America's private sector, last year's pension-reform act now allows those in defined-benefit plans to make a phased retirement, taking “in-service distributions” from the age of 62. 在美国的私营部门,经过去年的养老金改革行动,现在允许那些那些参与固定收益计划的人可以阶段退休,并从62岁可以开始领取“在职收入”。
In America, Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. 在美国,感恩节在十一月的第四个星期四。
In America, Thanksgiving is an important national holiday. 在美国举国上下都庆祝感恩节。

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