You see problems as challenges, and press on with a smile.
你把问题看成是挑战,面对它微笑。 |
You see sallarymen drinking and having so much fun with their co-workers.
你可以看到很多工薪阶级在那里喝酒,与同事放松娱乐。 |
You see something you want and you ask the owner if you can dupe it.
你看到某件你想要的东西,就去问那东西的主人能否让你复制一份。 |
You see strange fish and underwater mountains, cliffs, and valleys.
你看到奇形怪状的鱼、水下的山脉、悬崖和峡谷。 |
You see that new business Harlan started at age 65 with his first small retirement check was Kentucky Fried Chicken.
你知道吗,哈兰在65岁时用第一张小金额退休金做起来的生意,就是肯德基炸鸡。 |
You see the columns of the matrix.
你们看矩阵的列。 |
You see the kitchen has basic appliances including a stove,refrigerator,dryer and washing machine.
你看,厨房内有基本家庭电器,包括煮饭的炉子,冰箱,干衣机和洗衣机. |
You see the mammals that are much like you and you observe the results of their development over the years.
你见到与你们非常相像的哺乳动物,对他们的进化的结果也观察了数年之久。 |
You see the problem too simply.
你把那个问题看得太简单。 |
You see these extraordinarily clean people (who bathe twice a day in the river, and whose straight black hair is always freshly washed) paddling down the river in dugout canoes, hugging the banks.
你能见到这些清洁得出奇的人(他们在河里一天沐浴两次,满头直挺的黑发更是刚刚洗过)在独木舟里紧贴着河岸荡桨。 |
You see things only by their effects.
你只能从表象看事物。 |