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Then you can talk to Dr Crippen, when you get tired of doing nothing.

Then you can include small amounts of sweets and fats. 这其中也包括少量的糖和脂肪。
Then you can make invitations. 然后你就可以写邀请函了。
Then you can start to make it better. 然后你会开始把事搞好。
Then you can stop here as a Toad,’ replied the girl with much spirit. ‘I suppose you want to go off in a coach-and-four! “那你就老老实实呆在这儿,当你的蟾蜍去吧。”女孩怒冲冲地说。“我看,你大概是想坐上四匹马拉的车出去吧!”
Then you can take what's left over and assign it to whatever else you want to spend the money on afterwards. 那么你可以采取哪些的遗留摆上什么东西你想要钱.
Then you can talk to Dr Crippen, when you get tired of doing nothing. 那样,你闲得发慌时就可以和克里平博士聊聊。
Then you can try the shortcut and watch it's creation time change. 然后你可以试一试快捷方式并看到它的创建时间被改变了。
Then you could fall into both indecisiveness and inertia. 最后,你学习怎样接受在你的私人生活和环境中所需的平衡。
Then you don't promise,’ said the Badger, ‘never to touch a motor-car again? “那么,”獾说,“你是不打算答应我,再也不碰汽车啦?”
Then you go and parse hundreds of thousands of games. 接着你就可以用其来分析数以千计的对局了。
Then you go on practicing and learning outside. 然后你就可以在课外练习和进修了。

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