Such queues are called priority queues; in this type of queue service is not in order of time of arrival but rather in order of some measure of priority.
这种队列称为优先级队列;在这种队列中,服务顺序是按照事件优先级而非事件到达先后而定的。 |
Such rapid and uncontrolled growth helped to turn parts of cities into slums.
如此急速和不能控制的增长促进了城市的一部分变成了贫民窟。 |
Such reassortment of genes is the main source of genetic variation during sexual reproduction.
交换是有性繁殖中遗传变异的主要来源之一。 |
Such recall strengthens the likelihood of the same information's being recalled on subsequent occasions.
这样回忆加强同样资讯的可能的被召回在随后场合。 |
Such recommendations will weigh in his favour.
这种推荐将对他大有好处。 |
Such reductions often involve tortuous negotiations between different organisations and governments, all apprehensive about losing “sovereignty” over their portion of the sky.
类似的航线缩短通常都会牵涉不同组织和政府间的曲折谈判,它们都对丧失领空“主权”表示忧虑。 |
Such refined, or choosy, consumption has become rampant in recent years, especially among an urbane social group known as bobos.
这类讲究的、甚至是有点挑剔的消费模式,近年来四处可见,尤其多发生在一群被称为「波波族」的都市新贵身上。 |
Such reforms could limit the ability of today's electorate to vote itself unfunded benefits.
采取这些改革措施,也许会限制当今选民为自己争取无资金支持福利的能力。 |
Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
23这些规条,使人徒有智慧之名,用私意崇拜,自表谦卑,苦待己身,其实在克制肉体的情欲上,是毫无功效。 |
Such relationships are not unusual.
这样的关系是不同寻常的。 |
Such remarks were well received in South Korea, where there had been fears of escalating tension between America and North Korea following Ms Rice\'s description of the north as an “outpost of tyranny” in January.
这样的评论被一直陷入在赖斯在一月对朝鲜“专政边缘”的描述搞得美朝紧张关系逐步升级的恐慌中的韩国所完全接受。 |