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The rippling water leapt and licked the brass vessel that stood on the landing step.

The ripe tomatoes taste sweet and sour. 成熟的西红柿尝起来又酸又甜。
The ripe wheat undulated in the breeze like the incoming tide. 成熟的小麦象潮水般随风起伏。
The ripest peach is highest on the tree. 最成熟的桃子在最高的枝条。
The ripple effect caused by the subprime meltdown and stock market volatility doesn't inspire confidence or encourage spending. 次贷危机与股市动荡所造成的恶果绝不会刺激信息或者鼓励消费。
The ripples are gravitational waves. 这些波动就是重力场波。
The rippling water leapt and licked the brass vessel that stood on the landing step. 浪花跳起掠过立在渡头阶沿上的铜瓶。
The rise and fall of a university is inherently connected with that of a State. 摘要大学的兴衰与大国的兴衰密切相关。
The rise and fall of the Lemurian civilization cannot be accurately documented, though many have gone in quest of this mythological continent. 利莫里亚(传说中沉入印度洋海底的一块大陆)文明的崛起和没落事实上并没有准确的文献记载,尽管很多人都走进去寻找这块神秘的大陆。
The rise and fall of the industrial economy has influenced on literature modality of different period. 摘要工业经济的起伏动盪,对不同时期的文学形态都产生了影响。
The rise in BAC is more rapid when a person drinks alcohol with meal. 如果吃饭的时候喝酒,人体的血液酒精浓度升高得更快。
The rise in business investment that has accounted for two-fifths of the recovery is also heavily focused on the export sector and on companies with a high share of earnings from overseas. 企业投资占到经济复苏的五分之二,其增长同样高度集中于出口部门和海外收益占比重高的公司。

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