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It's just some unlucky coincidence.

It's just logical that United carry on doing what they've always done and try to bring through their own talent that they've nurtured. “这很合理,曼联在做他们一直做的,并试着最大限度的开发他们被一直培养的潜能。”
It's just misleading when the headlines in the paper are nothing close to what I said. It's bothersome,Torre said. 他说报纸上的标题完全误导读者,根本不是我所表达的本意。那是很惹人讨厌的情形。
It's just much cooler to have it out. 只是这样穿更酷些.
It's just part of the job. Matthew's got the shaven head and I have the long hair extensions. “这只是工作的一部分。马修不留胡子而我接了长发。”
It's just sad the way this city is,resident Sam Dawson said. On the news you hear killings, someone's been shot. 该市的市民山姆说:“城市这样真的很让人伤心,”“新闻里说‘杀人了’,有人被枪击了。”
It's just some unlucky coincidence. 那仅仅是偶尔的不幸而已。
It's kind of cool, knowing that I've been on an album cover, but I feel pretty normal about it because growing up, I've always known I was the Nirvana baby,he said. 艾尔登说:“也有一种很酷的感觉,因为我知道自己登上了专辑封面,现在我长大了,我觉得这很正常,没什么希奇,但是,我知道自己曾是涅磐宝贝。”
It's kind of creepy that that many people have seen me naked,Elden said. I feel like I'm the world's biggest porn star. “我很反感很多人看过我的裸体,我觉得自己就像世界上最有名的色情明星。”
It's laughable that people don't see him for the player he is and the telling contribution he has made to Bayern Munich's success. “人们没看到他这样的球员以及他为拜仁慕尼黑的成功作出的贡献,这实在可笑。
It's lost more than 10 percent against the British pound,he said. And lo and behold, the Indian rupee - if you had been holding Indian rupees - you would have made 13 percent. 一位保守派共和党人开始呼吁公众对美金疲软的关注:美金,他说,兑欧元已经下跌了9%,对其它货币更甚.
It's manageable,Giambi said. It's not to the point where I can't stand on it. 技安说:这疼痛是可以处理的。还不会痛到我没办法忍受的地步。

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