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A visor fastened about the head and used for protection against glare.

A visitor hugs Mickey Mouse after the grand opening of the Hong Kong Disneyland Monday, Sept. 12, 2005. It is Disney's first-ever vacation resort in China. 上图是2005.9.12(周一)一位游客在香港迪士尼开幕式后拥抱米老鼠。这是迪士尼在中国的第一个休假胜地。
A visitor is standing in front of the photo work Survivors of 911in the Shanghai Biannual with the subject of The Images of Subsistencein Shanghai, on Sept.28, 2004. 2004年9月28日,影像生存为主题的上海双年展上,一位观众在作品《911幸存者》前久久驻足。
A visitor savors a twilight run along a beach on the island of Tobago. 在多巴哥岛黎明的微光里,一位旅者正在海边怡人风光中跑步。
A visitor to Boston, a city strongly associated with the events leading up to independence, will certainly come away with a lasting impression of the Fourth of July. 在七月四日当天有幸身在波士顿的旅客会被这座与美国独立息息相关的城市所呈现的风貌所打动。
A visitor to Nebraska today wouldn′t believe that the state was once a treeless plain. 如果你今天去参观内布拉斯加州,你决不会相信那儿曾经是一片光秃秃的大草原。
A visor fastened about the head and used for protection against glare. 眼罩用带子固定在头上,用来遮住强光的护目镜
A visual crescendo, if you will, in a masterpiece of sound and beauty. 你会发现这使得该件音乐和艺术杰作在视觉上达到了巅峰。
A visual inspection must be done carefully for the materials, especially for those to be used in fabrication of pressure vessels. 必须对材料仔细进行外观检查,对制造压力容器所用材料尤需如此。
A visual pigment may absorb two wavelengths equally, but even though their photons contain different energies, the cone cannot tell them apart, because they both cause the retinal to change shape and thus trigger the same molecular cascade leading to exci 同一个视色素可能对两种不同波长的吸收能力一样好,但即使这两种波长的光子能量不同,锥细胞也无法将之区分开来,因为这两种光都会改变视黄醛的形状,因而引发同样的分子事件,造成锥细胞的兴奋。
A visual representation of an embedded object which displays an icon representing the embedded object. 一个由图标展现的内嵌对象的直观表示。
A visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed, or otherwise rendered on a flat surface. 绘画,图画绘画、拍照或用其他方法置在平面上的视觉表现或意象

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